Ustad Abdul Somad Lecture At Malikussaleh University of Aceh | bilingual

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hallo steemians..!!!

today I share a picture of educatin religion.

The figure of ustad abdul somad which again phenomenal in Indonesia yesterday. Monday (12/03/18) filled a lecture at Malikussaleh University for approximately 40 minutes on the football field of Malikussaleh University near the faculty of Economics.

The arrival of ustad abdul Somat is in the framework of the anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, the event was attended by Unimal Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and the entire civitas Akademika Unimal.

The arrival of Ustad Abdul Somad was closely guarded by the police force lhokseumawe, his lecture began at around 14:00 pm.

Thousands of students enthusiastically listened to the phenomenal lecture of the ustad and dubbed the walking librarian.

In his lecture he conveyed Aceh is very remarkable, until his arrival here with the lease of a special plane for him to Aceh through Kuala Namu airport Medan, making him a social scene.

"Do not be surprised if the people of Aceh rent a plane for me, so many read history so tau, Aceh people do not rent the plane first aceh people who bought the plane for Indonesia the first time, the plane is idle with the name of the mountain in Aceh that is Seulawah" he said.

At the end of his lecture he conveyed Aceh who became the first pioneer of Islam in the archipelago, after his lecture took a pilgrimage to the grave of Malikussaleh the grave of the King of Aceh first.


Sosok ustad abdul somad yang lagi fenomenal di Indonesia kemarin. Senin (12/03/18)mengisi ceramah di Universitas Malikussaleh selama kurang lebih 40 menit di lapangan bola kaki Universitas Malikussaleh dekat fakultas Ekonomi.

Adapun kedatangan ustad abdul Somat tersebut dalam rangka ulang tahun Fakultas Ekonomi, acara tersebut dihadiri Rektor Unimal, dekan Fakultas Ekonomi dan seluruh civitas Akademika Unimal.

Kedatangan Ustad Abdul Somad dikawal ketat oleh pihak kepolisian polres lhokseumawe, ceramahnya pun dimulai sekitar pukul 14.00 WIB.

Ribuan mahasiswa antusias mendengarkan ceramah ustad yang lagi fenomenal tersebut dan dijuluki sebagai ustaka berjalan.

Dalam ceramahnya beliau menyampaikan Aceh ini sangat luar biasa, hingga kedatangan beliau kemari dengan di sewakan satu pesawat khusus untuk beliau menuju Aceh melalui bandara Kuala Namu Medan, membuat beliau heboh dimedia sosial.

“jangan heran kalau orang Aceh menyewakan pesawat untuk saya, makanya banyak baca sejarah supaya tau, orang Aceh jangankan sewa pesawat dulu orang aceh yang membeli pesawat untuk Indonesia pertama kali, pesawat tersebut diamakan dengan nama gunung di Aceh yaitu Seulawah” Ungkapnya.

Diakhir ceramahnya beliau menyampaikan Aceh yang menjadi pelopor Islam pertama di Nusantara, seusai ceramah beliau menyempatkan diri berziarah ke makam Malikussaleh yaitu kuburan Raja Aceh dulu.

never doubt my photography is very happy if you comment
