That should be pretty easy to get. I hope you find your way. Or heck just be an Illegal in Mexico its cheaper to live there. Much less GMO's and Chemtrails. Actually you now have an anchor baby to stay there with.
That should be pretty easy to get. I hope you find your way. Or heck just be an Illegal in Mexico its cheaper to live there. Much less GMO's and Chemtrails. Actually you now have an anchor baby to stay there with.
The 7655 peso bill was just one of 6 bills we paid, and was one of the cheaper ones. Our highest bill was 41,000 pesos, second highest was 26,000 pesos.... And we would like to stay; it is really nice here. Unfortunately, there are no stable forms of income, not enough to support a diabetic and a new-born.
Thanks for responding. I do hope you can find your way home.

Might consider using midwives next time you get pregnant. Remember medical practice is just that "medical practice"
Even at US Prices Midwives are less than 3 K for the entire term of a pregnancy. Even if you need bed rest for 3 months.
I have heard some bad stories from other expats about DHS.
There are many folks living in Mexico from the us and other western countries very cheaply. @dollarVigilante @freebornangel being two I know of that are on steemit.
Btw the baby is very beautiful and looks happy now!
Our plan was to have an at-home water birth for Cisco with our doula. Unfortunately, he was in a breech position (feet first). Also, when he came out, he was not breathing at first. We needed to be in the hospital.... With all of that behind us, we are super happy to have Cisco home! He is just so adorable!
It says $ though.
I read the receipt and it talks about pesos.

You know keyboards don't have a Peso symbol so you might get that even when its not dollars.
In other countries they might give you the code for their currency on receipts. Like these
Anyway the original poster confirmed what I thought.
Pretty steep prices for Mexican healthcare but maybe its because they knew it was Americans they were charging?