When two brother's fight

in #life9 years ago

My younger brother and I share a room and every night when we are about to go to bed we take a few minutes to talk openly about our day. Being the older brother I have never dismissed my brothers opinions or been disinterested in his advice in fact I enjoy taking it all in and seeing the world through his vision too.

A few years ago my brother and I got into a serious fight and he kicked me really hard in the stomach - my brother has a black belt so that kick almost got me crying – at this point I was furious but I let my anger sink in and did not react instead I went and bought him his favourite chocolate.I knew that he knew he had made a mistake and I knew that somewhere it was my mistake too but anger never gets anyone anywhere nor does blaming and complaining. He had tears in his eyes when I gave him the chocolate - there was a moment we shared then that I cherish even today. It was my way of saying that we will have our lows but I love you and I am not going anywhere and I know you aren’t too.

As told by Akshay gaikwad