Struggling Entrepreneur

in #life7 years ago

So I'm heading to Bangkok on the red-eye flight, theres some time for me to steemit while I'm going through security. Im so excited! Bangkok for 3 days and then I'm back to Shanghai. After that I'm off to Seoul, back to Thailand and then Vietnam.
You ask why the title struggling? It's because I've made money, lost it and still hustling for that next paycheck. Theres tons of "made it" entrepreneur stories out there but not enough stories about the struggle before becoming "that" entrepreneur. (Yes too many air quotes) I feel it's better to read the struggles, than hear all the positive things about entrepreurship.
Getting on the red eye flight from Shanghai to Bangkok, the flight was just like any other flight. Was trying to charge my phone and waited til the last minute to head to the bathroom. As I walked to the gate I realized I was the last one, and the lady said that the gate was closed. My heart dropped for a second and then she called and said you better run. Getting to the plane was like trying to run a 100 meter dash.
Made it on the plane and found my seat in the emergency row. note to self Never sit in the emergency row unless you don't plan on sleeping. There is no recline and the seats of June Yao don't have any cushioning.
The sleep wasn't great but at least I saved on not getting a hotel room. As we landed as usual everyone got out of their seats before we stopped taxi. Never really understood why people would want to get out of their seats on a moving aircraft.
Getting off the plane was normal as usual. Made it to the immigration and it was a excuse my language but a shit storm. No lines, everyone scrambling to get in front. Literally like the wild west of customs lines.
Made it out and now for some food, I guess these are the only two pictures I took but I promise more to come especially at the ETH meetup.