We will always overcome the challenges life prepare for us.

Even though we sometimes struggle with our daily basis a proud man will always rise up.
Today i'm sadly here letting my feelings take over of my own writing because yesterday i felt like my life was about to hit the final line that singular and definitive "FIN".
My day started like a normal and average day, birs singing outside my house, the dog barked for food and to be taken outside for a morning walk, i motivate myself to start making some excercise (some squats, sit ups and flexing), nothing out of the ordinary for me.
"Remember the time !" Reply my brother when i asked him if he would like to sing along with me and listen some music while we clean the house.

We finish right on time for lunch and afterwards we starded to arrange his tesis "wich i'm still debating with him aout the vast amount of topics he can focus on"
So according to @alonsomoreno's own words
He's so focused on VR experience, Videogames of this generations, movies like Innfinity wars and star wars, that by the time i grabbed the topic he picked to start his tesis was so lame hahah so lame, hear me out here, he wants to see if there is a way to improve housing information data on a way that for instance, he taht only plays games he only get that data and not the crammed things taht i search on the internet (music, movies, books, Steemit, etc) i told him that we use personal OS Sesions and profiles with that purpose so there is a dead end on that topic
So we are still debating what kind of topics he can discuss and improve, so far so good he have some foo topics and one that exites me the most wich is a way to give energy to a lightbulb without wires. I hope he like it.

There's a japanese proverb that says "Nana kororobi ya oki"
Meaning: Wherever you live, you come to love it. Literally: Seven falls, eight getting up. Meaning: Fall down seven times, get up eight times.
Lastly but not least i went out to the towncity yesterday, tried to get some items for my friends of @funkmedia an to buy some groceries but the unexpected happened.
Two guys tried to Steal all my belonging!
(html comment removed: insert video here)
i've never been so numb, corageous and fitted for fights either. even though i fight for my stuff at first and then i realized that all those thing can be recovered. So they wanted my money, phone and backpack.

Imagen extraida de Carcel o infierno Serie de youtube.
- They took my phone: Iphone 4s
- A couple of spare cash
- A new book that i was starting to read called "the blamet is for the cow". Ironic tittle isn't it?
- During the fight my earphones got cutted down
- The leash that was holing my backpack got broken also
I thank god that i got away without no other harm that my own dignity, a few scratches on my clothes for the fight (the thiefts were two guys 5.11 ft dressed in white armed with a gun an a knife going around over a motorcycle) and the anger that always makes us stronger. Today i want to make a vow i will not try to flew away for things so insignificant like my last traumatic experience, i'll overcome that obstacle and reach out to a better way of living, more safe for me and my future sons an family.
malandro, malandra
adjetivo/nombre masculino y femenino VENEZUELA coloquial
[persona joven] Que comete robos u otros actos delictivos.