I Want To Get to Know YOU - If someone gave you $10,000, what would you spend it on?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I would like to get to know YOU (my fellow Steemians) better, so I am posting a series of interesting questions, which I hope will bring some interesting comments, conversations and new friends...

Today's question:

If someone gave you $10,000, with no strings attached, what would you spend it on?


I would buy my girls some of the toys they really wanted and an exotic 'educational' holiday. Any left would go to helping others.

Now it's your turn.

See you in the comments.

Hope and Hugs

Hope Huggs


Hey! Good question.. my husband and I like to play with this topic. I think I would definitely go on a trip to Home Depot to get some more home improvement projects knocked out. But also invest a chunk of it, hopefully gaining some growth.. My kiddo may need money for college one day ;)

Annnnd would definitely fix the dodgey blinker on my car 🚗

I do love to craft, but never seem to have the time for it, but still add to it all the time, not expanded to home improvements yet. Good idea to invest.

Because of the state of our economy and the declining value of the US dollar, I believe I would buy a monster box of US Minted Silver Eagles. I think that it may be wise to have these 500 count .999 silver coins sitting in a safe place for a little while. Often referred to as "Gods money" because silver coins are mentioned over 500 times in The Bible, maybe sooner than we think these coins could adjust to their true value if the "central banksters" would stop price suppression and financial market rigging / manipulation that is currently keeping the cost of owning silver at these bargain basement prices. I believe that it is God's grace that He is allowing us the opportunity to buy now to get ready for the reset of our currency. What our enemy has meant for our harm may be turned around for our good because God has blessings hidden for some of us who have our eyes opened to truth. At this moment in time He has made a way for us to afford to be abundantly blessed rather than be left with nothing when the dollar becomes worthless. Throughout recent history the price of silver to gold was normally around 10 ounces of silver being equal to 1 ounce of gold. Today it takes about 70 ounces of silver to purchase 1 ounce of gold. When the market corrects you could realize a multiple of at least 7 times your investment if you purchase silver today and I really believe it could be much more than that. So even if you don't have $10,000 dollars for a monster box of silver maybe buying a 10, 20 or 50 of these coins could really be a win for you if you act now. I am not a financial adviser but it doesn't take a money manager to realize that what money we do have left over after paying bills is not earning much in the bank these days and the stock market seems to be so over priced, risky and not a wise place to keep any of our savings.

Thanks for the opportunity to get to know all of you and I look forward to more of your post. Blessings, peace and love to all, Brother Charlz

These are some good words of wisdom, thank you.

Well, baring other things that I need to pay off.

I would spend that money on removing all of the trees from my yard. Fixing the landscaping and turning the newly sun drenched portions of my yard into vegetable and flower gardens.

Nice, a beautiful garden to admire and smile about and home grown veg always tastes better.

I'd invest it in a basket of cryptocurrencies ;-)

That could be a very wise decision.

Hmmm. $10,000 isn't really that much money. I would probably invest it in something so I might become rich enough to be able to make a positive change in the world!

True, but I think it is still a life changing amount for some people. I kind of think along the lines of the starfish story. Made a difference to that one. But I mean wow, imagine if you invested that and made a million or few.

I would use that as seed money to find a new home. I live in a politically and economically unstable nation and I want to find a better place to raise my children. So this money would help me start our new lives.

ETA - I live in America so the need to move increases daily.

The same amount can do so much for us in different ways. I hope Steemit helps you achieve your dreams.

I would pay for my significant other to have the back surgery (SI joint fusion) that he needs to get out of debilitating, daily pain. Our insurance says the surgery is "too experimental" but both medicaid and medicare will cover it in most cases.... :(

So much that some extra money could help with. It must be horrible to be in daily pain with little you can do about it.

Yes, it affects all aspects of our lives. Mood, work, love, family time, trips (or lack of), sleep, types of furniture purchased, finances...The list goes on and on. I'm still praying for a miracle that will enable him to get the surgery and that he will have good results. He has lived in pain for too long.

I would fix our truck, buy a cheap fixer-upper for a few hundred dollars so we have two vehicles, I would probably get a new laptop (nothing fancy, just something newer and with a better screen than what I have, as mine is old and the colors are washed out compared to newer screens -- not ideal for doing art), get a shotgun for the house (it's necessary, there are people that pose a threat to us), a pistol to carry (also necessary for same reasons), start on putting together a small prepper stockpile for us and the cats should Shit Hit The Fan, and then I'd hold on to the rest and put it towards buying the house we live in so I can finally break all ties to the hideous monsters I'm unfortunate enough to share genetics with. (It's either this, or be living in our truck with five cats. And we're not getting rid of the cats. So...there aren't many options.)

That's what I'd do with $10,000.

Interesting post! I actually stopped by to see if I could talk to you about the picture of your girls you commissioned? I'm having a lot of trouble with part of it, so I was wondering if there were a few changes I could make that you would be alright with.

Crikey, 10,000 would be really helpful for you. I'm sorry you have to live like that.

I'm easy, please just do with the commission as you think.

The biggest issue I'm having is with the shadowing of the skin. I'm not quite good enough to pull it off without having the whole background with the glaring reflections.

So if you don't mind the skin shading not being as darkly shadowed as it is in the photo, I think I can get through it.

Also! A question about the ginger cat and hamster: You said for Poppy and Hazel. Are they representative of your girls? If so, who is the hamster and who is the cat?

That sounds fine re seesaw picture. For hamster and cat, just a pic of a hamster and cat with "To Hazel and Poppy" on it would be fine. Bless you.

It's no problem at all.

I don't think I'll be doing Freebie Friday this week. But if you have any requests you want to make, I'm happy to take 'em. :)

If you have 5 cats during TEOTWAWKI and no supplies, soon you will have dinner and 4 cats....then 3...then 2...

I don't care if you're joking or not, that's not appreciated and sure as fucking hell not funny.

I would starve to death before I would ever hurt my cats. I have chosen to feed them over myself on more than one occasion, and have even chosen to feed them over medication I need if we can't afford both.

I don't care how hard and crazy shit gets, I would never choose myself over their lives. I will die providing for them if I have to.

First half would go to my church. I am here for my God and giving back to others is of the utmost importance.
Then I would take my children and all five of grandchildren out for a day of love and fun.
Lunch, new clothes and perhaps a few special gifts.

It's great to be able treat our children every now and again and giving back to others is another source of happiness.

Definitely bills and saving/ emergency fund. Sorry if that's not to exciting but paying down bills would be very helpful

Its honest. It's great to have an emergency fund, especially with kitchen appliances - when one goes the whole lot seem to follow suit!

Luckly we rent so the appliances arnt a problem 😀

My Dad is now my landlord so its something I don't have to worry about anymore - just as well as boiler and fridge freezer have both packed up in last 6 months.