It is okay to cry

Often at times, people are bound to encounter troubles in life, disappointments, pain and hurt. These circumstances push them into tears as a way of addressing the situation. Most at times, so many people trying to comfort such people try to stop them from crying which is not a bad thing in itself to do but at that point might not be the best way to handle such people. People handle their pain and hurt in different ways and as long as it is not harmful to them let them be. For example, me for one always just feel like shouting it out in a big roar, others cry to a pulp and others just take it in silently and most people cry.
Crying actually helps in the healing process and stopping peoole who are hurt from crying only prolongs the healing process. They need to face the situation and if the only way is by crying then let them do so. Especially in people who are grieving and have lost a loved one or so, it is advised to always encouraged them to cry. Crying is sometimes an important marker in confirming that one has moved from denial to the acceptance phase.

In some cultures, men who cry when they are hurt have been regarded as weak and so in such men, they accumulate their pain and hurt with no way to express it and this just leads to further complications in their health like high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks etc simply because they were not allowed to freely express their hurt. You see such people and you admire their strength but unknown to you they are hurting inside and dying inside. Their pain ever growing and puffing up and one day it all explodes with maybe fatal consequences.
Crying when you are hurt does not make you less a man or weak. It is a way of expression for both man and woman. Some people have even be called Cry babies because they cry when they face pain and hurt but thesame people who lavish them with such names do same in hiding and in their closets.
We are humans and filled with emotions and feelings, sometimes these emotions will burst out in different ways and crying is a very common one as we know it. We are ruled by our emotions in every second of the day. So it is 100% okay to cry if that's the way to express what you feel or are going through and i believe, instead of anybody calling you names or laughing at you, a mature person will understand that what you need is a shoulder at that that time to cry on.
Yes. Tears are so important in healing. Holding back tears is the same as putting a cork on your emotions. You have to let it have to process what you feel, and crying is one of the best ways to do that. Thank you for the reminder that being a man doesn't mean you have to suppress feelings like sadness, fear,'s okay to let it out.
Welcome @dinoromanelli and thanks for the wonderful comment..
Thank you for a thoughtful and important post!
I love this post. You are actually correct. It is good to let go of our tears be it man or woman. Here in Africa, it is a crime for we men to shed tears and this has negative effects on many African men today
You are quite correct there @donefezy; men are seen as people that should not show emotions and that is regarded as being strong. How terrible it is...
Thanks fpr dropping by..
But what do tears really mean? We are all familiar with tears of sadness, a release that is better than the numb shock of loss that can precede it. But what about tears of joy? Or that flood accompanying some great emotion as in winning a big prize unexpectedly? What is happening here? It can't be the sadness of loss.
COURTESY: @julietisrael
Nice Job. 👍
Thanks @wafrica.curators and kudos @julietisrael..
It's always nice to have you back....