5 Things I learned on Steemit in 24 hours | Tips included

in #life7 years ago

1. Name:

So, I had a mini change of heart. I wanted to use my name that some people know me as well guess what in the blockchain world. YOU CANNOT CHANGE your name because it’s the block chain way.

Tip #1

before you even sign up for your Steemit account choose your name wisely

2. Password:

Keep your password in the blockchain world there is no “FORGOT PASSWORD” button. Back it up every where

Tip #2

Save your password 5 places. Word document, in the cloud, on your phone, in an email and tattoo it on your arm lol just kidding, write it down in your journal or planner

3. Reputation:

So that number next to my name is my reputation rate which it seems that’s the basic amount everyone starts from but by posting, upvoting and gaining

Tip #3

Post on Steemit and Dtube they each count as a post, comment and upvote on other people’s post and videos it helps your reputation

4. D Tube:

A platform to put your video content where you can earn money from your video free of advertisements and de-monetization. The great thing about putting a video on D Tube is, it counts as 1 of your post on your Steemit feed


Upload your videos in fire fox, keep them under 10 mins (uploading takes FOR EVER)

5. Beggar:

Don’t beg for upvotes. Don’t beg people to come read your stuff in their comments

Tip #5

Comment on other people post with something informative and meaningful and in return people will click your Steemit. Don’t spam fellow Steemian’s stuff

Also learned

….there is little bit of coding to get things to look a certain way for your font/sizes
….there are lots of bots on Steemit that will comment on your stuff
....Image to blogpost images can be converted here---->> https://imgsafe.org/

Check out my ebook-----> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00U0PDOOO

Remember to #keepsteeming