Week 01: Without Shadow there is no Light
Today I start a new adventure, I want to tell you in this blog how it was that I decided to join a challenge of sharing photographs through a social network called instagram, which consists of publishing a photograph for each week of the year, the sponsor of the challenge, Escuela Foto Arte School of photography located in Caracas, on Monday performs the instructions that must follow those who intend to join the challenge, choose the topic that is going to be discussed and dictate the pattern to follow.

Week 01 - Theme: Self-portrait - Name: Without Shadow there is no Light
This is a new experience for me, although I have time with the accounts created in the various social networks (rrss), I was not born that vein to interact a lot with the rest of the people who are involved in that of the rrss, so I decided to start this new path that leads me to overcome fears that did not allow me to explore the magic that lies behind the virtual contact with the others.
For the first week the subject of self-portraits was launched, after much thought I decided to take this photo only half-face, as a way of expressing that I am not everything you see, nor do you see everything that I am, to know what is in me, you have to know me beyond a social network. Then I wanted it to look like half blurry, half saturated, half against the light, as a way of saying that not everything in life are black and white, but between these two colors there is a whole range of tones that give you the ability to enjoy from every moment, that we should not just stay at the ends of the color palette. The pose of seriousness and frown expresses the pain of rebirth that I am experiencing in the current moments, that like all birth, there is pain in the midst of the birth of the new being that is sprouting from my entrails.
More human, more harmonious with the environment, more tolerant, with less rigidity, with greater depth, with my convictions intact in struggle for the construction of the many possible worlds, but with greater capacity for empathy with the others, more loving, less suspicious and with the scars that have left me the revolutions of life as a permanent reminder that I am everything that I am, because I have had the luxury of living, everything that I have lived. Nothing would change, nothing would be different, from the good times I was left with pleasant longings and bad experiences with superb learning.
Without shadow there is no light, it is the title of a song of a Venezuelan rock band of the eighties that was called Sentimiento Muerto, and sadly disappeared, I chose this title because I felt fully identified with that duality that is an integral part of all and everybody.
There is still more to discover, I have fifty-two weeks of this year to go describing what happens, we read here every week and see each other in life, living. On that road we found the beginning of the year two thousand and eighteen, year of rebirth, year of hope, year of Light.
We are going to win, our life is going on.
Hermann Hesse - Lobo Estepario
Henry Sandino

Henry Sandino - Caracas Venezuela