What is LIfe?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

What is life?
life is a series of events from the first memory of playing in the sand building castles playing with your toy cars "now that's a good memory" to your first big love yes we all know that one is bitter sweet cos you had this amazing feeling of love or infatuation to the complete down of that first love failing badly so bad that you never wanted to get backup.. but some way some how you did you made it past that big break and at that point i knew life will be up's and downs like the song from back in the day "some say love it is a razor" but we all get up we step forward for some it will take all you have inside you not to break..
You make friends life is good the up on this coaster of life then one day your friend opens up to you and he tells you he feels so down he wants to take his own life but instead of listening to his cry for help you want to be cool and you close yourself off to his cry cos you are cool.. 2 days later you get the news he shot himself.. yet another low in this game we call life. You tel yourself you would not have stopped him but deep down you know i was his last fucking cry for help.. Yet life moves on you withdraw your self from life you have small sparks unfortunately not enough to spark life back to what it was.. We graduate this is it we get to recreate your past its time to let go of that big fucking rock so you let go for a split second.. you are now a cool cat with cool hair and a fake smile that wins over the sheep closed off to our problems you suck it up and act like a sheep it works the bring you in to the flock " what the fuck am i doing here you say" you know you dont fit but every day you get dressed and la yon the smile the one that fools the sheep.. We did it we spent the time even years looking for the small fragments of your ones completed hart now held together with the small strings, tape and smiles you have collected along the way. And the one day you open your eyes and there she is the love you wanted for the longest time its unreal, she looks up smiles and in one moment your hart feels like one one solid again.. you manage to move the jello you call legs in her direction with every bit of energy you can muster from the universe you open your mouth and all you get out is "hi" from that point on every moment of your life is now filled with her face her hair then at a point you look back you managed to get her to go out with you and in some way you managed to keep her but what happened i must have lost a year it must be love cos here i am planing our wedding day its suppose to be the best days years of my life but inside something is off you still get married this girl is your life your dream.. but slowly the dream starts turning in to the seen from one of the cheese bad horror movies you know the bad blood and acting ones.. you try to make sense of it all that's it she so past the bull past the sheepish smile that the rest of the world so and they were ok with it cos they have there own shit to deal with... that's when it turns bad.. Fuck you there again one the floor its time time to get up or are you chicken? you don't want the sheep to see see the broken inside cos they will not understand or will they no they don't want to see your pain... so you get your ass up you move forward this part i call rebuilding the bullshit dream the little box you know the one were we all are perfect you try and try but no feeling beets that first one when you were 12 that first love that true love the one that had no string the one that was just true..

SO what is life? is it love is it loss is it hurt is it the good times is it the bad times or are we all just Fucked up believing this is life?

Shit i don't know i don't have the answers in fact i have no fucking idea all i can say is get up and be a fucking sheep that's all i know if you wanted the answer to Life i don't have it i can tell you this 99% of people don't..