Practicing mindful eating-Day 73 Slimming Journal
Only 7 more days left until the end of my Slimming challenge with no diet approach😳
In Last few days I found very easy to stop eating when I am not satisfied, I am not thinking about food and the fact that I don’t need to plan my meals like i used to,making me feel really happy. I basically feel free from all diet advice out there and I am not afraid of trusting my body during this process.
It was scary thing to stop counting calories because it’s always nice to have something or someone to follow ,for example latest diet trends or meal plans.
For some it works but if you do it for more than 5years you can get really tired of this!
I could write tones about this but today I just wanted to show how I practice mindful eating. This method was also shown to us during my course -“Psychology of eating” which I am pleased to say, I passed with distinction☺️🤓
Mindful eating starts with gratitude❤️
We are lucky to have such a great range of foods, if you are religious person you can even pray at this moment!
If you don’t want to pray, you can just show gratitude for the people who made it possible for you to have this food.
For example: The driver for delivering food to your door step or farmer for growing those ingredients.
Start preparing your food by asking
yourself any questions about ingredients you are touching and smelling right now.
Take your time at exploring, observing and watching your moves.Nothing else matter right now!
❓Ask yourself where is this food came from?
❓how does it look like?
💯When we take time to experience first GRATITUDE and than VISUALLY observe the food we are about to eat, we are becoming naturally MINDFUL.💯
Use all your senses to observe your food, especially when you are just about to eat.
Ask yourself:
❓How does it taste?
❓Which different flavors do you taste?❓Do they have a salty side to them? How about sweet?
❓Does your food taste differently when you first taste it?
When you eat, try to focus on food only without any distraction or thoughts about the next task to do😉
Try to move away from “autopilot thinking” without any judgment and remind yourself that you are eating right now and you will deal with anything later!
There is so much more to this but I think I will stop here for now😉
Practicing this every day as many times as you can will bring you closer to mindfull eater😉
If you are tired of dieting and need to learn to be more calm around food, I highly recommend researching mindfulness and mindful eating.
How is everyone??😍
P.S Now I am moving to my next course: Mindful nutrition😃👍
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