My progress and quick thought😉-Day 42 slimming Journal

in #life5 years ago (edited)

According to my measurements this morning i lost 1cm around my belly, thighs and hips.
Totals for 42 days are:

Waist - lost 3cm
Belly - lost 3cm
Hips/love handles- lost 6cm
Thighs - lost 3 cm
15cm in total😃

Weight loss 10,5 lb. I didn’t step on my scale this morning and I don’t want to for few more days. I am happy to see the difference in my measurements.

I enjoyed my holidays and I didn’t have to work with my “f*** it” mentality to much 😉 We were busy exploring all day so my mind didn’t have time to think about food.

Gym was good today. Weightlifting about 1h and 30min slow run on treadmill.

I can tell I worked hard because I had 3 large meals today and I am still hungry so I am going to have some food now again😉

I am pleasantly surprised how much we can achieve just by tuning in with our bodies , learning to be “present” and changing the way we eat without stressing to much❤️

The best part of this Intuitive eating journey is that there is no food rules, not a lot of planning ahead or restrictions and learning to trust my body is one of the best thing I have done so far to improve my mental health.

Too many people just go straight to a weight-loss diet without looking at their habits that are causing them to overeat.
For some It might be stress, emotions, or lack of exercise.
I wish see people slowing down a little in this modern world and have a long, honest chat with themselves about every little thing they could do to help with their wellbeing.

Have a lovely night everyone❤️


Great progress !
Keep it up