Depression Problem / Its not a Problem...!

in #life7 years ago

                                                Depression problem....!

First of all what is (DEPRESSION) :


Man should not be dishearted over the failure but must keep on trying until the achievement of goal. It is not essential or certain that one can get success mere through the first attempt but sometime it requires constant struggle. One should not be dejected but should keep on trying with perseverance and courage.


Initial failure more often lead to a brilliant and long-lasting success so, instead of losing heart, keep on working hard and observe that time will bring you your reward. Striving should not be regarded as an insult .Courageous people do not lose heart but they seek lesson from their earlier mistakes and gird-up their loin with new zeal and zest. !


Indeed, the ultimate victory is there for such persistent and courageous persons who keep on trying and do best and best.............!!

                                                Depression problem....!