fruit of rumbia (boh meuria aceh)

in #life6 years ago

The fruit of rumbia is one of the ingredients used as spices rujak. However, since this fruit is already rare in the north of aceh, traders are forced to bring in from Blang Pidie, Abdya Regency. While the fruit of rumbia from Lamteuba, Aceh Besar is rare, if there is very little. people's interest in buying rumbia fruit is still high. Because many people who often make rujak, especially if again a moment of festivity like moon moon. But unfortunately many fruit traders who do not sell sago fruit on the grounds need big capital. This grapefruit tree grows in swamps. However, lately the swamps where the trees grow can be made sago trunk has been much felled. This is in line with many buildings growing for the expansion of residential and other buildings.



Orang enatu kita, mengkomsumsi buah ini sebagai bagian buahan penutup makan yang bagus buat pencernaan apalagi bagi orang yang suka minum kopi instan yang efek negatif ke lambung, bisa dieliminir oleh boh meutuah nyo.

Digampong lon lage nyan sit sep jai barokon bak meuria yang na boh. Jino pane na lom bandum kana manfaat, meunyo keu peng dumpu jiborong sampe penebangan bak jih jeut jipublo.

Iya. Udah langka skr boh meuria,, menyo ueo jeh rata sago bak meuria dum sep jai2 boh jih. Jinoe kabeh jikoh bak jimanfaatkan keu eumpen itek, macam dum jipegot maka jih jai that bak meuria kajitebang

Sekarang kita mesti mencari solusi bagaimana cara membudidayakan pohon rumbia ini lagi. Saya pikir kita hendaknya membuat proposal kepada pemerintah tingkat kabupaten untuk mencari solusi berharga.

nyan hay boh meuria,,,, that trep ka hana ta teume pajoh ino di daerah @nekmudagroh.
hana le bak jih. ka beh ji koh keu Sage 😂😂