What a Life.

in #life7 years ago


Yesterday, I visited with my friend Bob who was celebrating his 99th Birthday. As we sat in front of his wood burner with a glass of champagne and a piece of birthday cake that his wife had baked. We chatted about life, and what a life he has lead!

There has been eighteen U.S. Presidents starting with Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George the first of twenty-four English Prime Minister's, three Kings, one abdication and our Queen. He fought in World War II, where he was shot down over the Mediterranean and spent nine days in a life raft with the rest of his crew, before being rescued. Seen the use of two atomic bombs in a war to end all wars.

He has lived through the depression, numerous recessions, the metric system, new currencies and a reunited Europe. He may well see in his lifetime an ununited Europe, one more U.S. President and U.K Prime Minster in these uncertain times we live in at the moment. In these ninety-nine years we have gone from cars you had to hand crank to start to electric cars you plug in. Flights that took days to get anywhere to the super sonic Concorde. Phone service with switchboard operators to smart phones and the internet.

You see I really admire Bob not just because he has lived a long and interesting life. Bob has true grit, he has worked very hard most of his life, so when he decided on a new adventure with his wife. Moving from England to France, Bob was the ripe old age of ninety. Yes, 90 years of age! Bob took it in his stride when most of us would be looking to put our feet up and maybe move into a retirement community.


Moving to France at any age can be quite daunting, learning a new language, understanding a new culture. Bob has enjoyed every minute of it, you can often find him chopping wood for his wood burner or mole hunting in the garden or tending his vegetable garden. He loves to travel around France visiting Castles, Chateaux and learning the history of the region. Enjoying good wine, food and making new friends.

Bob is living proof you can have an adventure at any age. Don't let fear stop you from your dreams, as my mother use to say " there's no such word as can't in the English dictionary". You don't know until you try, so just remember Bob the next time you say you can't do something. I'm glad to call you my friend, Happy Birthday Bob!


Wow, Bob is certainly different than his peers.

I wonder what the world will be like when we are 99? Hmm. Thanks for the post @graydollar

@getonthetrain It might not be here, if the politicians don't start listening to the people and the planet. I hope this won't be the case.