How to avert Hell on Earth

in #life8 years ago


So if climate change were a false concept and we spend vast amounts of money and resources trying to fix it, we will have wasted a good deal of resources in fighting an imaginary enemy, but we would certainly grow and develop many new technologies and abilities, produce many new jobs, be ready for other potential problems of a similar nature and achieve satisfaction in the assurance that we are not doomed after all.


If climate change really is about to destroy us and we fight, we may win and do all the other things mentioned above and have overcome what may well be the biggest threat this planet has ever faced, thereby assuring our children and their progeny of a future.


If we ignore climate change and it results in the destruction of all or much of our ecosystem, we will certainly have squandered our opportunity to save ourselves and all other life, which we as the 'sentient' ones should feel responsible for.


If on the other hand we ignore it and it turns out to be harmless we will have saved the expense, wasted the opportunity of providing jobs and developing new strategies and technology and that will be that.

It seems on the basis of this analysis that we cannot afford to take the chance. The history of Man's poor decisions in relation to war, resource management, population management, the preservation of ecosystems and developing effective governmental principles, indicate that we aught not to trust in the wisdom of men.

It is obvious then that we should do everything in our power to persuade those who are meant to give effect to the will of the people, that they are duty bound to address this problem with extreme urgency instead of playing dice with the future of Earth.


Trump should be stopped if he intends to withdraw from the climate change accord and the richest and most powerful and technologically advanced nation on the planet should take the lead in protecting our precious world from potention annihilation.


All images are public domain, free for commercial use and from Pixabay.


Trump should be stopped if he intends to withdraw from the climate change accord
Your argument is bogus. It's exactly the same as the religious argument...
There might not be a hell and there might not be a heaven..but suppose there is...better to be saved just in case
which is not surprising..
Alarmism is a's not based on science at all.

Thanks for your contribution. It is indeed the same argument. I respect your right and logic in choosing as you do. I certainly see no benefit to it though. I hope you respect my right to choose as I feel wise. I would put it a little differently though. I choose to live a life I find pleasing, the life which would bring the best rewards according to my education and logic. Having studied thought and logic and philosophy and religion and having changed from what might having been a militant Atheist into what seems to me to be an astute empiracle explorer who's current belief set is most certainly at odds with science and amazed at the scientific world's assertion that religion requires faith whilst science does not.

My knowledge of science and its history tells a story which would require far more faith of me than my current beliefs do. I find the foundation of today's primary theories incredibly presumtuous, overly reliant on imaginary forces deemed to exist to satisfy mathematical equations, overly complex and completely lacking in eloquence.

I find Man's need for a beginning absurd, along with the ridiculous Big Bang Theory (which requires more assumptions than measurements).

The assumptions of science far oustrip the faith of religion for ridicule.
Latest discoveries assert no accelerating universe, no end to time, space, matter or energy and no beginning for any of them. Also, no Dark Matter or Dark Energy, no Strong Force and the list continues.

I do nevertheless recognise the fallibility of my minisqule mind and respect yours equally.

Sources to be found here :

It seems we agree on many things.
the word 'agnostic' comes to mind.

Agnostic ? Not in the least :)
My opologies. I failed to mention that I believe that the hidden forces are not dark matter and enery etc but the elusives ; spirit, consiousness and sentience.

These are the forces which organise and create(which actually means organise existing energy/matter into new structures) and thereby trump entropy. I believe there is a supreme spiritual enity, present in all energy and material structures at the most core level which gives structure to all things and which intelligently transforms things for the benefit of life.

I am a devout believer in some very religious concepts.
Science is supreme in that it(true science) obviously describes all these concepts perfectly. But not the science we understand today. Our ideas of science are infantile.

I'm an agnostic.
Just the facts please.
If you can't measure can you be sure it exists?

Well dark matter supposedly exists since it has been'measured.' The same goes for the strong force. I assert that these are both replaced by spirit, which is thus measured. Others simply interpret the implications differently. We know so little about the reality behind the apparitions we behold and I perceive ample evidence to convince me. Most scientific concepts accepted today began as audacious ideas fleshed out through pure faith that an adequate research project would produce a viable hypothesis.

actually they don't..
but your mind is made up
don't let little things like facts get in your way.

My mind is always open and I'm eager to be proven wrong. Go for it.

'Carbon' is not the problem, it gives us life....the man-made problems we have on this planet are radioactive waste and plastic. Putting resources into 'carbon reduction' is a total misdirection.

While I agree with the premise of your argument, I have to disagree with your statement that "we should do everything in our power to persuade those who are meant to give effect to the will of the people, that they are duty bound to address this problem".

That's just kicking the can down the road and waiting for someone else to fix it.

A superior proposal would be most welcome :)

Form a group, get informed, organize and demand that your instructions are carried out.

The way you worded your statement made it sound like the people have no recourse other than to wait for the elected "officials" to figure out what to do and then wait for the bureaucracy to come to the rescue.

I wouldn't hold my breath.

Worthy comment. I wish I had more to offer. The struggles of life challenge my propensity for such audatious action.