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RE: How is it possible that we destroy our only home

in #life7 years ago

Well researched and written!

However, the main root cause for the suffering is less population growth, waste and poverty, in my view. These are merely the symptoms of something sinister: Greed. Greed for power and greed for money. Yes, the rest of us, the bottom 99.9 percent of humanity must be compassionate. However, this alone will not solve the crisis.

There are plenty of resources available for all children to have their daily meals. There are plenty of resources available to afford medical care to all of human kind. However, 99% of the wealth on earth is owned and controlled by 1%. These 1% also control knowledge. Clean, cheap, literally free power, for example. From ancient times to Tesla, technology was used that harvested energy in vast amounts. Control of energy allows for population control.

Let's then look at those interests who call for Africa not to be industrialized, for example.
Let's look for those powers that ask for austerity while self living in villas, castles and palaces.
Let's look for those who dumb down the public by lowering education standards.

People are suffering. We need to arm ourselves with information, gain knowledge, pass it on to others. Only then may we be may we clean the world of the parasitical elite who do not wish the "useless eaters" to succeed.
