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RE: The Idiots That Give Us Hope

in #life5 years ago

How sad that Australians also do this. I guess there are idiots everywhere. But if my title is true, then I suppose there is hope all over the world too.

They are definitely all something. Whether they are something worth looking at is another matter entirely, but something they certainly are.


I think our idiots got their motivation from your idiots, TV shows, movies and music videos. Now our idiots are indistinguishable from your idiots.

Sometimes something, like your photos, are better than nothing and whilst something could be classified as nothing if it is something then it actually is something. So, if you ever feel like posting something make sure it isn't nothing because nothing can't be something unless that something you post is indeed something that people determine is nothing. But really it is something , as it has to be if you've posted it.

I don't know what I just said, by the way...I just woke up..Was dreaming about something but it turned out to be nothing, or something that felt like nothing...Ok, I won't go on...🤣

Oh dear, what a sad business the spread of American idiocy is. I hope the Australians at least add a bit of Australian flair to their "White Brick" trucks.

So I had a dream this morning that was something of a nothing. I was in my parent's back yard with my children, in the city, when a wild boar charged us. I managed to get us in the house and then was forced to hold the door closed against the wild boar, which scratched me, and then I wondered if I would need a rabies shot. I'd say that was definitely something of nothing.

I hope you are feeling better.

Aussies add a little of our own flair in everything we do. Legit.

Cool dream, except for getting scratched. Wild boars can be dangerous though so you're lucky you got away with just a superficial wound. Yes, certainly a dream that was nothing, but felt like something.

I'm ok, back is giving me grief but I shot today...Now I'm on the pain killers like Tic Tacs. :)