We need to teach our students and children to fail in life!

in #life8 years ago

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As many of you know I have been a teacher for many years now, and I honestly love my job, but I am not only a teacher, I am also a wife and a mother. I think the easiest one of the three" jobs" above is being a teacher. Husbands can be so much work sometimes and then there are the kids....we don't always know if the things we say and do to them is the right thing. 

Parenting can be difficult. Very difficult. Parenting is scary, but parenting is a permanent journey where you often discover more about yourself than what you discover about your own children.  It is often a bumpy road and the learning curve is real. It never ever stops.  Even if they are grown up they are still your babies and will forever be a part of you, and they always come back even if it is only for money or food, but your child is your child and you will do anything for that child.  

Unfortunately there is no rule book to guide us on along the way while our kids grow up, and we have to feel our way through the education of our children but one thing is for sure, even if we are not sure on how to raise a child,  parenting is not something that can be quit. In my book if parenthood were a GPS it would mostly say recalculating! 

I am blessed with happy intelligent children and I have not had a difficult time with any of my children. Perhaps it is because they know exactly where they stand with me and I have always treated them as individuals.  I have given them the opportunity to be themselves and to develop their own personalities without forcing anything on them.

One important thing that I have taught my own kids and I also teach this to my students.  I teach them to fail. I honestly believe that if you want to succeed at anything in life, you need to fail first.  

Very few people succeed at something the first time they try something new.  

I have this one little girl in my class, and when I ask her to do a sum on the board and she gets the answer wrong, she always says: "I'm sorry mam." 

I now banned those words in my class. No one is allowed to apologize if they don't get an answer correct, and we often laugh about it because she still apologizes every single time, and then when I say:

"Remember... we don't apologize if you didn't do anything wrong" Then she always answers:

" But I did mam. I did the sum wrong. "

If we teach our children to fail from a young age and that they have to work hard to succeed in life, then we have succeeded in our jobs as teachers and parents. 

Was it not Thomas Edison that said:


If you feel like a failure as a teacher or as a parent.  Don't.  There ARE ways to succeed. You just have to try until you do...

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Failures are a necessity for improvement, in my opinion. This gives us hints about what to work harder.

I created a quote the other day that relates really well with this , "We are only as good as the mistakes we learn from". Awesome post.

I don't really think there is a right way of raising a kid. You have to go with your gut and even then it's not 100% sure.
I have two friends (twins) that were raised in the same house by the same people and the same way - one of them uses hard drugs and it's now in rehab the other is studying to become a surgeon. What is the diference? No one knows because up untill 2 years ago they were practicly the same person - same school, same friends, same lifestyle etc.
So if your kid is "bad" then it may not be your fault!

Wow so true, they need to know that it's ok to fail as long as they learn from their mistakes. My fledglings fled the nest a long time ago and are awesome young men, BUT often wish I could rewind and do some things differently. My GPS certainly would have recalculated some routes, thank you for a great post :)

This is so true. I think I suffer from this a little bit as I've dealt with a little failure in my life, but have never really fell flat on my face and I think that now prevents me from taking those big risks. Not blamming my parents, I just need to learn it's ok to take the big risks and fail.

I so agree with you @giantbear. I know that we all have to experience everything in life or we won't be able to survive in one piece. Now when something goes wrong, I look at it as more positive than negative because each setback teaches me a valuable lesson. You are a great teacher because you really do care about your students. You should be very proud of what you have done. Thank-you for your heart felt post! :D

I also have that little girl - Making mistakes is how we learn - hell I am old and still making mistakes

Good post.. thanks for sharing

Good post well done keep the good work i also loved the dog photo.
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Great post! Dankie!