in #life7 years ago

Stop-VAW.png"We are always ready to learn however we are not always prepared to be thought". The abuse of woman and girls is the most pervasive and unadressed human violation on earth (Jimmy Carter). 1 in 3 women in the world experience physical or sexual violence by a partner or non partner that's about 800 million women Worldwide. This tsunami of gender-based violence and misogyny flooding the world is overwhelming, but the time has come to break the circle of evil.stop-violence-against-women.jpg

Usually sexual related violence causes severe health issues such as gonorrhea, HIV, syphilis, herpes and sometimes unwanted pregnancies. it also stops girls from completing their education, doing work and even earning an income. Survivors may experience depression, anxiety and become addicted to drugs and alcohol which affects their families, communities and nations.
We need to face this fact because it is a reality and this has haunted so many souls to their graves. We should stop playing lip service to the issue of violence and discrimination against women, it is a daily activity that occur in our society. it's either you are affected or infected. Rape is the most unreported crime 63% not reported. 3.Ad-series-for-UN-Women-by-Memac-Ogilvy-Mather-Dubai1.jpeg

95% of rapes are committed by an acquaintance and most victims don't receive medical care or report the incident or seek help WHY?. They worry about their family reactions "they'll say it's my fault," they feel embrassed and ashamed. "No one will believe me." And sometimes when they seek help, providers don't have the right skills to meets their needs but all this barriers are walls that can be torn down.

Essential services must be provided. Quality health care services must offer first-line support. Effective policing and justice system must be cross-cutting and women centered. victims should be treated with care, love and respect.

When this services are available and well coordinated getting help to stop the violence and to recovered from it's effect becomes more possible. So for now, I'm handling it back over to those of you who are unafraid to speak out against abuse and those of you who are righteous allies and intervening bystanders. You are in it. Keep at it - on the internet, at home, at work, and in your hearts where the courage to tackle this fundamentally lies. We have much to discuss and much action to take. Join me in making this changes, help foster a culture where violence is unacceptable and woman have the courage to speak out. Imagine if that could happen to each and everyone of those 800 million women. The world will be a better place for you, your wives, daughters, mothers, granddaughters and sisters. spread the word, take action and together we can stop violence against women and girls. CyGClaPWgAAxp3Q.jpg