Doing things I've Never Done (1)
I've decided recently to start doing things I've never done as they're presented to me so last night, I wasn't expecting it, I actually went in to the bar to have two beers and go home but I met a group of people speaking sign language and playing chess while drinking beers and occasionally going into the bathroom to sniff coke.
Now, I don't sniff coke and that's one I'm all set with but I've never played chess and drank with a deaf man so I said, "fuck it" and went on my way. We chatted a little and they communicated to the deaf man for me. I know a couple of basic words, mainly dirty stuff, but no real sign language experience.

Being a more than decent chess player, I've only been beaten by one person (best two out of three) that's not a professional player. If I lose one game, it's kind of rare. I also trash talk. I don't envision moves way in advance like the greats, I'm just going with the flow and watching your weakness. It's just something I've always flowed well with.
I communicated with him of his mistakes and pointed at my pieces and what I was trying to do with them when I noticed he was having basic strategy problems. A few moves later he was catching on to the concept and I made a motion across the board to show a flanking motion at his king. He saw it and made an actually very threatening move towards my queen. I then made this sign and hilarity ensued.

It means Bullshit. He laughed so hard when I did that.
I moved in quick for the slaughter. The game was over four moves later.
I passed on this opportunity to try something new though. Gross!

That's a Smoker's Cough. One part Jager, one part Mayonnaise.
I am going to make a thing out of trying new things though. I've now played a drunk deaf guy in chess. Check that off the list that was never on the list to begin with. I'm looking into dance, maybe traveling a little, recycled paper projects, whatever life puts out there for me.
More to come!
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
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Chess Photo from
What a very unique experience. I enjoyed the story.
The mayo drink was a little weird I must say. I guess it is called smoker's cough, cuz you have to choke the drink down your throat. ugh.