in #life7 years ago

-If you run into a good psychic or I guess he tells you all your life, of course you are impressed. But it does not necessarily have to do with some miracle. What happens is that you are very gullible!

-And we in Genial1 are going to prove it with the 8 psychological tricks of "cold reading" that almost all the "psychics" and "witches" use. By the way, if you practice it, you can also use them to better understand people.


                              8. Groping

-Es un truco trillado, pero eficiente: tantear o escanear visualmente a una persona. Se trata de un análisis detallado del
aspecto del otro que puede revelar muchas cosas sobre él (qué tan cara es su ropa, estilo, accesorios, conducta,
dialecto y forma de hablar, por ejemplo). No le demos mucha importancia a este punto, es demasiado obvio. Pasemos
al siguiente.

                        7. Forer effect

-Lee la siguiente descripción. Te describe a ti, a una persona intelectual, un lector de Genial1

"You're pretty self-critical. You feel that you have a lot of untapped potential. You have your weak sides, but, in general, you are able to compensate them. You like periodic changes and variety, limitations depress you. You are proud of your ability to think outside the box and not be prejudiced. Sometimes you are an open and social person and other times you are closed and you feel skeptical. Sometimes you seriously doubt if you are on the right path. Security in your future is one of the main purposes of your life. "

Have we guessed?

-It seems to describe you, right?

Actually, it's just the Forer effect.

It is about people believing that such personality descriptions are accurate if they believe they were created specifically for them. In fact, they are so generalized and confusing that they can be applied to many other people. Most horoscopes are written precisely using this trick and many "psychics" give advice and descriptions based on this phenomenon. Here are some examples:

"Lately you do not leave the feeling that you're about to make a mistake and do not know what to decide. Believe me, in this case it would be best to listen to your intuition and your heart. "
"You have a hidden enemy among your loved ones. Maybe you do not even realize it, but it has a big negative influence on your life. "
"In general, you are an honest person and you have your principles, but you have had cases in which you had to forget about them."
Unfortunately, most people get carried away by the authority and the magical voice of these psychics and fortune-tellers and take these general phrases as a sample of something supernatural.

Meanwhile, the average psychic only has to choose the method he will use to "read" the person. For example, through hands. And the lines of the hands do not matter, it only matters a medium description that can be applied to anyone and that you believe.


            6. El efecto de Hans Inteligente

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the german mathematician Wilhelm von Osten had a horse named Hans. And, to everyone's surprise and astonishment, Hans solved mathematical problems by touching the correct answer with his foot. What a miracle! Or not?

No. Thanks to the subsequent investigation of the German psychologist Oskar Pfungst, it became evident that the horse calculated nothing in his mind, but read barely perceptible clues from the person asking him the question: when the amount of the touches approached the correct answer, the person who had asked the question tensed unintentionally, and when the horse reached the correct number, the person relaxed. And Hans stopped playing.

Psychics use the same method. For example, they can say: "In your life lately there have been problems with a ho ... no, no, with a woman". After trying to say the word "man", an experienced psychic will see, like Hans, by your look, that it is not about any man. So, it's about a woman. And that is how many things can be guessed.

             5. Testing with hooks

They can also start asking questions that are formulated in such a way that they look like affirmations. For example, the psychic begins:

  • I see that you have problems - and it is logical, because if you did not have them, you would not go to see any gypsy or sorcerer, right?


  • Are they related to your love life? - Since there are not many significant areas in life, it is easy to hit.


If the psychic does not guess, this will not look like an error, because he was not affirming anything. It will only be seen as a question to be able to "diagnose" you correctly. In any case, you will notice.

           4. The trick "You're the one, Neo"

There is a trick that occurs when the psychic begins to fall well and makes you have all the confidence, revealing something that even you yourself did not know about you. But maybe you suspected it. Or you would suspect it. For example, many people would agree with the words: "You have incredible potential that you are not taking advantage of, but you have always suspected that there it is".

-NOTE : Of course, the revelations of the type "You always knew you were a horrible person" would never be used by any "psychic" of the world, since people do not like to hear negative things.


               3. Random shots

Another necessary skill of any psychic is, when listening to an affirmation from a client, to tell him that he already knew it. And to do it with such a mysterious air that the client believes that he really knew it. Clairvoyants also love to finish the sentences for their clients, applying logic, but "emanating magic":

-I like my job, but ...

  • But do you feel that something is not right there?

-Exact! It seems that you understand me without words!

Because the person who is completely happy with his work, would not go with any psychic to tell him about how incredible his duties are. The same method of "finishing the sentences" applies in case there is an error:

-I like my job, but ...

  • But do you feel that something is not right there?

-No, there everything is fine, but my wife ...

-You feel that your work damages your relationship with your wife.

-Exact! It seems that you understand me without words!

-So do not be naive. It's just pure logic.


              1. Evade responsibility

This is the most important trick of all. To avoid the result type "you are a charlatan, return my money", before making any prediction, any psychic has the obligation (tacit, clear) to mention that it is a very fine matter of a parallel reality, so the images that the Universe will send to your mind (there can be interference) can make different sense for each person. So "interpret yourself, because only you know how things really are."

  • Have you ever had experiences with "predictions" of the future? Or maybe in your case everything was different? Tell us in the comments!

Hola @genial1, upv0t3
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