You Can't Withdraw From A Bank You Have No Savings; Investing In Yourself Now (Investopedia)

in #life7 years ago


Going to the ATM gallery with the intention of withdrawing money because you have an urgent situation to handle, maybe an emergency or to fill gas, only for you to notice you do not have anything to withdraw. First of all, you will be depressed and unhappy which is a normal phenomenon but the question is Why are you depressed since you never saved cash for a rainy day?.


Banks are a financial institution that accepts deposits from customers who plan to withdraw them later with the so called reason of getting a little interest and also keeping their money for the future, raise capital from investors or lenders who ask for loans and other financial aids.

A Bank provides security and convenience to their vast customers in whatever they keep/ save with them. The unending purpose of banks is to offer customers safe keeping for their money and properties kept with them.

Banks also issue debit cards, providing customers with easy access to their funds in order to pay for goods with the swipe of their card or through using an Automated Teller Machine (ATM), they also arrange wire transfers with other institutions and they ensure the transfer are successful. I Think @neoxian can do a better explanation on banking systems since he has a bank I plan to bank with soon but I'm not a financial advisor and i do not know much about banking.

You cannot be loaded and not be needed, what ever you save into your personal bank of life is what you will withdraw.

You cannot offer what you do not have, so why not start banking in yourself, bank everything you need to survive and make it so you can have enough to give or loan out to others.


A mans life is built on continuous banking and investments. The success of a man is based on what he has saved over the years.


Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward. - Henry Ford

I have heard of several stories about how circus show manager control/condition elephants. I used to be amazed about how circus show managers condition this large animal. Then i read that when the elephant is born, a rope or chain is tied on the leg of the elephant and it is tired to a stick ar stake and the elephant is left in that state for a long time. It is normal for the elephant to move around but when the chain is fully extended it pulls the elephant back.

The elephant is released after sometime, but it does not go beyond the chain point. The chain has gone from the physical to the mind. The elephant would doing whatever the circus manager has thought it.

If i ask for an explanation, you will only be telling me what you know and not what you want to know.

How can you make impact when you have not impacted yourself. You have to design your life to be loaded by opening yourself to continous learning.

Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day - Rachel Boston

Learning is surposed to be a continous process. There is one way which i use to deposit into my life bank and that's learning. I love learning so much. If i teach mathematics, a larger percent of what i will be teaching will be what i know. I can not give what i do not have and that is the same thing with you.

Add value to yourself in other to add value to others. You cannot withdraw from a valueless account.


Wow wow wow. This is just inspirational

You cannot be loaded and not be needed, what ever you save into your personal bank of life is what you will withdraw.

That quote just reminded me of when I was learning how to play keyboard. I invested hours and money.

My friends thought I was wasting my time. But not only did I make good profits from teaching others over the years, I got to meet people like frank Edwards, Joe praise.

I also got the discipline to spend hours to achieve a goal and that has really helped me in business.

Thanks @gbenga, this was timely


what a beautiful life investment you got there. It is better to bank into your life now, so you can withdraw tomorrow.

Thank you, your post interesting you have provided good information for us hopefully you can always make an interesting post and get satisfactory accomplishment with this post, may you always success in your life

Thanks a lot for taking your time to read my post. I hope it is worth your time and you enjoyed it

"You cannot withdraw from a valueless account" Gbam. Raw fact!.
Thank you.

Thanks @ememovic, You can not withdraw where you do not deposit

Nice piece. Like one of my mentors will say; "Don't seek to be known, but seek to know". The PRIZE is always proceeded by the PRICE. Investing in yourself is not an option if you seek greatness.

Very true. W e live to learn everyday. Knowledge is power and there is power in learning. Knowledge brings enlightenment. Ignorance is a disease. Thanks @gbenga for this great post.

Thanks @jerryboy4luv, i really appreciate your time reading my post

Hmm.. Good One

This is one impacted post i have come across this morning...thanks @gbenga ... Ready to buckle up and soar higher ... upvoted!!!