Turning 21: My Thoughts on Age and Happiness

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I turned 21 years old. Holy shit. That's old.

Everyone tells you that 21 is the last birthday that you look forward to. You can finally drink legally, gamble in certain states, legally possess weed in certain states, adopt a kid in the UK. Basically there are no more rules. You are out in the world with complete freedom to choose and live your destiny.

That's fucking scary.

Yes at 18 you are an "adult" but if we're being honest, most of us don't feel like it. Some don't ever and that's ok. It's no wonder stories like Peter Pan/Neverland enthrall us, songs like Younger by Seinabo tug at our heart strings because in reality, age is just a number.

When you turn 18 or 21, a magic switch inside your head doesn't "click" and you're suddenly a different person. No, life doesn't work like that. It's simply a milestone in your journey of life but you are still the same person.

At 21, some people are already married. Some are still in school (like me). Some people have already served the country courageously. Some people have become rich and famous already. There are no more excuses anymore.

The biggest takeaway from being 21 now is that I, more than ever, realize my own mortality. Time is moving faster than ever and soon I'll be 22, 25, 30, 40, 60 etc. These are all numbers. In one perspective, yes time is moving faster, but on the other, there's still so much time and while you're young, I think that you should chase your dreams, and grab life by the balls. And sometimes, this motto is tough.

This past year, I've failed many times. I've always lived by the aphorism: "shoot for the moon and if you miss, you'll land among the stars". However, I realized that just looking and talking about the moon isn't enough. You actually have to execute. I've had a hard time learning how to get better at that and am still working.

For you the reader, my main message is that age is just a number. Regardless if you are 21, 45 with a family, 60 and retired or even 16, be grateful that you are alive. Every second that passes is a moment you have life and as such, you are fully capable of achieving your dreams.

My biggest goal here is to encourage everyone reading this (and remind myself) to never limit yourself by a number, or for that matter, gender, race, background. Life is not a cakewalk always but if you persevere through the tough times, you'll reach you goals and that is happiness.

Arigato, Gavin

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