Why are we hating so much right now?

in #life8 years ago

Why are we hating so much right now? I see certain forces are striking a line straight down the middle of our society. Several, actually. We are at war with other countries and we are at war with each other. Our neighbours, our differences, it’s sad to see.

I’ve always been a person to celebrate the differences of each other. I mean if the world and everyone in it was the same life would be a completely boring place to live and work. Yet people seem to be getting caught up in the irrelevant, the non-important, things that don’t even matter.

It all starts when a Politician has an idea. He tells us that we’ll be better off with his new theory that he’s just about to implement. That we’ll get the very best of [x] service and we’ll benefit for years to come. We all cheer and celebrate for this new service like it’ll be the best thing since sliced bread. Great idea we say, I can’t wait to see it implemented.

Then when it fails to serve us and works as a funnel to the top of the class pyramid. Workers on $10 an hour, and the fat shit at the top is on a yearly wage of 4 Million + bonuses people get annoyed. They get annoyed that their wages are stagnating. They get angry that whilst their income hasn’t improved in 5 years, food prices are doubled.

And the Politicians get up on the podium and they say, hey, hey, hey. It wasn’t us. It’s was them over there. The illegals, the black men, the Mexicans. They’re stealing your money. They’re a drain on society. We fund everything and they come over here and suck everything out.

THAT’s why your wages haven’t increased and food prices have doubled. Fat shit illegals and their me, me, me attitude.

And like an oblivious heard of sheep we believe them. We don’t fact check or research we just believe the crap that’s spouted at us. Every single bit. And that’s how Donald Trump gains momentum. Does anyone who likes this man actually fact check stuff? I’d love to hear what you say. Please prove me wrong.

So we’re being misdirected whilst those that wanted it are sucking all the money straight to the top. And we aren’t doing a god damned thing about it. We aren’t standing up and saying,

“Hey, fuck this. You promised me more. I want more”

We’re just sitting there and letting it happen. We’re accepting the choices we are being given rather than doing a bit of dictating like we should realise we have the power to do. And that’s why they keep us arguing amongst ourselves. Race, privilege, place of birth, nationality, ethnicity, gender, it’s all irrelevant at the end of the day. Labels to separate and misdirect us. We don’t realise how strong we’d be if we were all in it together.

I see in America with the choice between Clinton and Trump isn’t a very good one. That to me seems like a choice between the devil and hades. Not a good one in my opinion, but hey. We aren’t doing anything about it anyway.

So why care?


Well, they are rhetoricians and sophists, using the spelling of words to cast spells on our minds, using word magic symbols to create images in our minds that make use feel and think a certain way, and having us believe in their trickery that has us act accordingly. We need to develop the awareness of manipulation in in consciousness to combat their trickery.

This is true!!

I'm too far from all this, but your post was interesting to read ;D

Lucky you!! lol

I felt very similar with you at the last election in South Korea. Currently, we call our country as 'Hell Jo-Sun'(means Hell Korea). When I call my country like that, I feel so sorry myself. We will elect a new president next year. hope to have a better one.

I hope so. good luck.