Reward through hard work and effort

in #life7 years ago

I like to win. Who doesn’t? I work hard at being the best I can be in everything I do: Professional life and business, personal relationships and hobbies. I work hard at being the best me I can be, as often as possible. Yesterday it was suggested to me, however, that I actually make an effort to be average and my brain is having trouble assimilating that.

Allow me to clarify…

On Saturday this week I am grading for the IPSC State Titles coming up in January 2018. The grading will place me within a grade A, B, C or D in which I will compete the weekend of competition. IPSC stands for International Practical Shooting Confederation and I compete in the Production class with a CZ P-09 9mm semi-automatic pistol. On Saturday I will need to shoot a few IPSC stages against the clock and my overall times and scores will be graded and based on that I will be inserted into a particular grade for the State Titles.

I was told that it would be best if I don’t shoot at my best on Saturday because I would be placed in a lower grade and therefore have an excellent opportunity to place well at the State Titles and win something. It all sounds feasible and logical however it is not my way.

I have never been one to shy away from a challenge, difficult task or process and one of my biggest pet-hates is being allowed to win. I’m sure no one at the State Titles would go as far as allowing me to win but if I tanked at my grading then am I not setting myself up for an easy win? If, and when, I win at anything I want to do so on my terms after hard work, effort and the application of skills and practice. Being allowed to win sounds too much like pity to me and I don’t value that emotion. My wife let me win at the Monopoly board game once. She was just getting all the right dice rolls and picking up the right cards and was kicking my ass! She backed off and let me win though and I was so annoyed!

So, come Saturday this week I’ll be shooting at the highest level I can possibly muster, will run hard between targets and positions and shoot as accurately as I can. If I end up in A or B grade and then get smashed at the State Titles then so be it. It will simply be a true indication of where I need to improve. On the other hand, if I do well I will know I have done so against shooters of a better class and commensurate with my own skills.

Getting handed a win, or worse, being duplicitous and underhanded to set one up, is simply not in my nature.

Vincit qui se vincit


Keep winning Aussie!! How's Summer - cuz man its coooold up here right now.

hey man! Not too hot here today, 34 degrees (celcius). Warming up to about 40 in the next couple of days though. Just enjoying the beach and Christmas day at the moment!

Merry Christmas Denny.

I'm not stalking you I promise. The title just struck me interesting enough to click on through. I'm not a huge fan of guns but do understand there is a sport to it and wish you well today.

I'm glad that you have good morals but understand that the guy was only trying to help in his own odd way. Thing is a potentially unjust WIN is not really a WIN and who said you cant smash out grade A or B and still win overall.

Stay true to you. Best of luck!

Hi stalker (I’m kind of flattered)...Ok, seriously though I just got home from my grading shoot. I ended up in C grade. I was 0.02 of a percent away from B grade. I’m happy with C though. Would have felt wrong to be in D as I shoot better than that. 65% of the shooters are in C grade so it’s going to be a competitive shoot. Challenge is my middle name though. Well, not really, but you know what I mean. :)

If I come away with a placing in C grade at the State Titles I’ll feel like I won the whole thing! I’ll be happy to come away with good memories and knowing I shot at my best.

I’ll know on the Australia Day weekend I guess. Either way @insideout.

Oh, thanks for your honesty about not liking guns. They’re a part of my life though, along with many other things. It’s just a hobby, like knitting really, just...completely different. :)

Grade C is great! Congrats!

I have heard that if your skilled with a knitting needle you could easily do just as much damage as you could with a gun. So, yes same same but different lol.

I heard that...They call them Knitting Ninja's!

Did whoever suggest that just say that with good intentions to maximise your chances of winning or do they just like winning at all costs even when it's stupid? XD

I agree with you, do your best to be your best, if you get into a higher tier and lose you got into the freaking higher tier! :D Good luck with your comp!


The guy who suggested I don't perform at my optimum did so with good intentions. He holds a lot of promise for me in this style of shooting and doesn't want to see me get smashed in a higher grade level for fear it may dissuade me from pushing on. If I win, or place well, I would rather do so against good shooters. Being the best of the rest was never something I aspired to.

I'll see how I go Saturday. I may simply shoot badly and that'll be the end of it however I will tray and shoot and my best and deal with whatever grade I end up in. Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.

Ejem! I guess... erm... just a tiny supposision, that I can interpret what that well intended guy tries to suggest you @galenkp. ;)

I am willing to bet, that what he is trying to tell you is something around the lines of:

"If you are in a camp with a group of campers and suddenly a bear attacks, you don't need to be faster than the bear, you only have to be faster than the slowest of the campers." LoL

I think that may be be exactly what he alludes to. :)