the destruction of the world getting closer

in #life6 years ago

hello today I come to share this important text
Here are the 10 most popular scenarios for the destruction of the world in 2012, according to the Telegraph newspaper. This disaster, which according to some people will occur at the end of the year, may take the form of an extraterrestrial attack or occur because of the destruction of the Sun, the Earth’s collision with another planet or the climate change. Let’s look at the truths and myths behind these apocalypse theories.

Alien attack Those who believe that the Earth will be conquered by aliens, mention many testimonials that include controversial flying saucer crash in Roswell in Mexico, but also photos and video of mysterious flying objects. Also they add the official announcements of some governments that have been recording alien activity for more than 50 years. But even if they exist, are these all enough to convince us that one day we will be captured by a race of humanoid with large black eyes?

Probability: 0.1 / 10

The planet Nibiru Thousands forums and web pages on the Internet retain the belief that sometime in the early 21st century, a planet, unknown until recently, will pass very close to us and will cause a massive planetary cataclysm. The planet Nibiru was first mentioned in a book in the late 1960’s by Zecharia Sitchin, who wrote that it is a planet of our solar system which has an unstable orbit and enters every 3700 years in the inner solar system. The author did not mention anywhere that Nibru could threaten Earth.

Probability: 0.2 / 10

Mass terrorism losses After September 11, 2001 and the deaths of around 3000 people in New York and Washington, there is a fear that al Qaeda or another terrorist network could destroy a major city in the West using weapons of mass destruction or resorting to chemical warfare. Osama bin Laden declared a few years ago that his organization has several nuclear devices. However, there is no evidence that any terrorist organization has nuclear weapons, and any terrorist attempts to launch chemical warfare in Britain have failed miserably. Nevertheless, there is a fear that al Qaeda or Talibans could put nuclear weapons in the hands of Pakistan, taking advantage of government instability.

Probability: 2/10

Solar storms and destruction of the Sun This is one of the weakest destruction scenarios associated with the end of the Mayan calendar. Under this scenario, a massive solar eruption in December 2012 will wrap our planet, destroying people and ecosystems. Until now there is no indication that something similar has ever happened in the past. While a solar flare can cause problems in satellite communications, it is not so strong to destroy the Earth. Many scientists accept that at some point, when the Sun runs out of energy, it will become a red giant, engulfing Earth. But not earlier than in 5 billion years.

Probability: 0.3 / 10

Magnetic field offset According to this theory, a dramatic reversal of the magnetic poles of Earth is imminent and will result in reversing the rotation of the planet with disastrous results. Those who accept the theory say that the Mayans and ancient Egyptians discovered indications of future reversal of the Earth which are kept secret by governments today. Studies on magnetic minerals in sedimentary rocks in Norway have shown that the North Pole shifted by 50 degrees. But what experts say is that any shift of the poles is not going to happen sooner than in one million years.

Probability: 1/10

Supervolcano The explosion of a supervolcano could be greater than any volcanic eruption in history. According to researchers this could happen if the rising magma in the crust of the Earth saw no way out. The accumulated pressure would result in the destruction of a vast land area, while the magma would inflate in the sky. In this case, millions of tons of ash and poisonous gases in the atmosphere would lead to the nuclear winter, and a new ice age and the extinction of much life would begin. Those who believe that this will happen in 2012, turn their attention to the supervolcano beneath Yellowstone Park in the U.S. Satellite observations of recent years have seen changes in fluid movement of rocks 16 km below the surface.

Probability: 1/10

Third World War Almost immediately after the Second World War in 1945 and split the world into two opposing camps, it was an obvious concern that a new war could break out and destroy the world with atomic weapons. The growth of nuclear arsenals continued in the decades of 70’s and 80’s, but from the 90’s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the arms race weakened. Some people believe that the growing power of China and a possible reaction of America or a war between India and Pakistan or between North and South Korea could trigger a global conflict.

Probability: 1.5 / 10

The death of bees Here things get serious. More than 1/3 of bees in the U.S. lost in the winter of 2008 from an unknown cause. This is a syndrome that causes a sudden death of bee laborers so the queen wanders alone in the permit cell. The syndrome spread in European countries, including France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Many theories have been proposed to explain the cause of death of bees, such as climate change, the frequencies of mobile phones, insecticides or some viruses. If the bees disappear, it will disrupt the food chain, while the 1/3 of the sources of human nutrition depends directly on the activities of bees.

Probability: 7/10

Destruction of the environment The previous decades the main environmental threats were considered air pollution, the destruction of the soil and the ozone layer. There is no doubt that human activity degrades the planetary ecosystem. The destruction of the environment from an upcoming global warming or pollution of land and sea would render vast regions almost uninhabitable. The Institute for Space Studies, NASA, Goddard, has found that the average global temperature has risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880.

Probability: 7/10

Oil ends The decline in stocks of oil is a reality that must be taken seriously. Economies around the world are intertwined with oil and many alarmists connect the “drying” of oil with the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. There is no doubt that oil will end one day. Some experts believe that oil will end by 2020 while others believe that this is already happening, citing the assumption of some oil companies that have drained their reserves.

Probability: 4/10s tanks vote for nobody is a secret that the world closer and closer to the end I hope this text helps you good bye