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RE: WATCH: Republican Congressman Admits Drug War HELPS Cartels, Slams Weed 'Witch Hunt'

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ war on cannabis " is a lot of hyperbole, I was listening to NPR and the host was saying the topic was " Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ war on cannabis " even after both guests on their show admitted that the action sessions has taken of rescinding a memo about pot shops will have little if any actual effect on cannabis dispensaries. Jeff has been very upfront about not liking cannabis but there has been no actual crackdown and there won't be. That said of course its absurd that the federal government prohibits cannabis. That is because they serve the alcohol, gambling and pharmaceutical industries whose bottom lines would be affected significantly by cannabis legalization, those entities with billions of dollars to spend on lobbying. Jeff Sessions can't make pot legal, only congress can do that, have you contacted your congress people? I have and I publically addressed my state legislators, without us participating in public forums and contacting them they only get the disinformation and lies.