Wobbly Grocery Carts
I discovered a new technique at the grocery store today.
It's always annoying to get the grocery cart that wobbles or drives rough in some way. So lately I've had this thing where I eye them down and try to intuit which one is my friend.
It's kind of futile tho, I don't really know what I'm looking for. Even if the cart is bent or beat up, it's probably just prejudiced to think this has a lot to do with the possibility that the wheels won't still drive fine. (Arguably it's even more likely to drive okay, since it looks like this and they're deciding to keep it in the rotation.)
Today I realized I should look at the handle!! Just pick the least worn out handle, and in general I should be picking the younger carts, which should be less likely to wobble.
The handle, rather than trying to spot occasional bumps and bruises, is the best way to tap into the age of the cart.

It's that simple!
It isn't a game changer or anything. Having the wobbling grocery cart once in a while isn't in the category of things that will crush you. And this will only loosely address the problem anyways. So not a ton of value at stake either way. But I'm glad I have something to grip onto now, so that I don't have to just feel lost for a few moments when I try to soul-read the carts.
My better supermarket parable is this:
When the lines are all long, when they're all several people deep and none seem obviously short, rather than try to measure the small differences between the amount of people and the items they have, just hone in on the cashiers. Look at them and try to pick the fastest one. (And if one of them is cute, it's rarely a mistake to pick that one.)
It's very approximate, sure. But so is "okay this guy has big water gallons and it won't actually take that long and over here there's 4 quick orders, over there there's 2 longer ones" and things like that. You're guessing either way. And it's easy to be unreasonably influenced by the way people are standing and stuff. If it's a store you'll shop at again, it helps long-term to figure out which cashiers you can trust. You want to do that anyways, so this is a good exercise.
If you've never been a cashier you may not realize that there can be a legit difference. It's my feeling that each store has their one or two ninjas, and if you can figure out who they are, it comes in handy and makes you a better shopper.
I probably override the blueprint when I see an old lady, tho. Especially if they're standing firm like they mean business. Most of them are fine, there's just some non-zero chance that they write a check.
And particularly if they don't have it written out in advance and start asking what store they're in and things like that, you do you, just it quickly becomes an atomic bomb in terms of which lane was better. I'd rather avoid it.
Reading this make me remember how often I make games out of life's boring little mundane tasks. It would seem that you do the same. Going to the store to buy groceries may not be the most thrilling of things. But once you ace the cart choosing challenge and top it off with finding the checkout ninja, It's celebration time indeed. :P
Hahaaha! Yup! 😃
Mundane tasks don't get to just walk out of the room as tho game theory doesn't work on them 😃
lol.. that's some great piece of advice that deserves a resteem: The handle - who know it would be so simple.
And I do agree in regard of the quick cashier. That's the biggest difference, some are just faster than the rest. The exception being someone in the lin holding something in his hands along with a receipt, because that's usually a customer who's returning something and doesn't get how it is done. Avoid lanes with that kind of person:-)
hahah, nice.. ya, def gotta avoid the person who seems like they're returning something!! 😝
oh! know what else?? those stores who have the cigarettes locked up and the cashier has to go fetch what they want.. gotta try to avoid the person who asks for cigarettes!!
sometimes it's fast, but sometimes the cashier is lost trying to find the exact kind they want
You should know to be suspicious if they're in line and not buying anything else, but sometimes you just get unlucky and they look like a normal customer and then ask for cigarettes.
it's tough out there lol
thanks for the resteem!! appreciate it
Oh dear hahaha - I love your stories; those topics are so special haha. Lit bro! ;D
But you are right, wobbly carts sure are annoying.
I always try to find the "sweet spot" (lol) and then to roll through the supermarket without hitting any people or shelves - would be ideal haha.
It often does look stupid but Idgaf. ;P
So true!
Seems legit. But I still think that you need a bit luck too haha.
Hahahaha, laughed so hard. Always avoid old people - moreover the non stressed, unhurriedly, way too chilled grannies :D
They will highly probable need one hour. At least...
Cheers man!
Ya, definitely! There's only a really loose correlation. But still no reason I can see to favor the less new looking handle over the new looking one, so I have a clean way to make the decision now. 😃
Ya they can become chatty cathies really quick if the cashier plays back a little.
Bless their heart. Fumbling for exact change or struggling with the debit card reader can happen too. There's just a lot that can go wrong, by any payment method.
Alright, that is what I thought. That is true haha.
Hahaha, oh, that is horrible haha - these chats and the card reader problem.
ya! my big dream is a technology t hat tracks how fast you are, and your stuff costs a few cents more or a few cents less based on that. (how fast customers execute their payment IS an economic consideration that affects others, and so it seems a proper alignment of interests that some savings would be passed back to you).
maybe there can be a way to forgive older people, like charities that give back for the few cents they lose, hehe
Haha, that could be terrible. :D Everybody could be in a hurry and people bump into others and maybe even start to fight or whatever haha. Chaos situation incoming - but maybe you have a proper solution for that too. But I know what you mean. ;D
Funny idea though, could work, somehow, I guess/hope.
Ya I have the solution for that in mind too! There are other metrics, like bumping into people and spilling things would dock you points too.
I think ratings systems will evolve to basically just encourage good and polite behavior, there'd be some cost to being out of control too. People would zing you for bumping into them, so it wouldn't be worth the tiny bit of speed increase.
It could even be the kind of thing where it's like, there's no incentive to be LIGHTNING fast.. being "fast" and "as fast as humanly possible" could give the same rewards, so that people aren't encouraged to be out of control, just to be on the ball and not wasting time needlessly.
OKay haha. I cannot imagine that right now but maybe it does work somehow.
Could be true, I agree with you. But I still do not know how this would work out - too sketchy.
Haha. Well it's kind of like...
judging people like "oh that person sucks" or "is a nuisance" or whatever is something we do anyways. so basically all that needs to happen is technology, an algorithm or whatever, just needs to approximate what we're already doing.
there's already a social cost to being a nuisance -- the technology would just neatly track it, and allow everyone to quickly be able to see how you're viewed by others
My wife and I shop at Aldi’s and I swear everyone one of those folks are ninjas. They just ordered new carts too so we are living it up.
Hahaha sick! Ya maybe Aldi is fine-tuned, they're all about shredding costs to its bare minimum, which includes less lanes, so it makes sense that they'd be focused on having only solid cashiers!
That’s a great advice though! I do that as well. At our grocery store there is about 6 lines altogether. 5 lines have one cashier and the last one has 7 or 8. I always go to the last one, even if the line is ten times longer, it’s much faster. When it comes to shopping 🛒 carts, it’s really important not to ruin your whole shopping experience 😆.
hehe ya! It's always annoying when you start to realize "okay this cart sucks" and then it's the question of whether it's worth turning around for or you can just tough it out. And the longer you go, it's harder to turn around now.
@full-measure You have earned a random upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots.
I wonder about the unintended consequences tho 😲
Kind of like the D.A.R.E. program in the USA in the 1990s. They dared to keep kids off drugs, but a side-effect is they kind of made kids aware that drugs are a thing. 🤔
it's tricky hehe
There are probably always consequences, but it seems useful to try.
Definitely! Hope it works out well.
Thank you and thank you very much for the nice upvote!
I was waiting for this.. now I can go ahead and deploy the bots
::slaps knee:: ::rolls on floor and laughs::
(jk jk.. no bots.. cool project!)
Yes, of course that is your choice, but since you haven't in the past 30 days we appreciate that.
Have a great day!
Gotcha gotcha! So it looks over all the history, I like it!
And was just kidding, totally not planning to deploy bots!
I was pretty sure you were kiddding, but what the heck, people do it. We had to look back a bit since there were a couple of occurrences when they wait 2 days and then call in the bots.
Sure! I don't really have a dog in the fight in terms of whether bots are bad, but definitely like your project and think it's cool to try to patch up problems and whatnot, so best of luck to you!
And particularly if they don't have it written out in advance and start asking what store they're in and things like that, you do you, just it quickly becomes an atomic bomb in terms of which lane was better. I'd rather avoid it.
This part is really funny, it made me dead laughing, hahahha... I think everyone should avoid that.
hehe 😁 glad you liked it!
It was really funny
One of the qualities of a successful supermarket is that the vehicle is in good health to make it easier for the customer
You have to make a complaint to run the supermarket
I wish you all the best
Wish you a happy shopping
thanks @roselover .. I don't think I will issue any complaints, the shopping cart I picked rode pretty smooth .. best to you
hey nice post
**Shopping is a bit of a relaxing hobby for me, which is sometimes troubling for the bank balance... **
**I hear you, home slice **