Daily Thoughts - 07 Apr 18 - Homesteading Today...

in #life6 years ago

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

It’s a grey and gloomy looking day this morning, hopefully the sun will come out later. :D

Princess (foreground) coming over to say hi while Candy (background) exits the barn. :D

Candy (left foreground) and Belle (left background) went straight for the hay pile. My husband had to herd Buddy (right background), Joker (right center) and Princess (right foreground) down to the field because Buddy got in the lead somehow and created a road block for the others, LOL. :D

The whole herd is in the pasture finally. Our pretty girls Candy (1), Belle (2), and Princess (3) went straight to the hay when they got there, although Candy and Belle had a bit of a head start on Princess because of the whole traffic jam with Buddy. :D Our handsome boys Joker (4) and Buddy (5) went straight for the water buckets. :D

Pinky (1), Lil’ Miss (2), and Junior (3) enjoying their breakfast. :D

The piglets finished off their breakfast feed quickly this morning, then Pinky (1), Junior (2), and Lil’ Miss (3) went searching for any leftover oatmeal they missed on the floor. :D

Once we finished the chores I went over to check on the herd and decided to give them a couple of scoops of the chafe off the floor where the hay is stored all winter and as you can see Belle (5) was the first one to notice it, come over and dig in. :D It didn’t take Candy (1), Buddy (2), Princess (3) and Joker (4) long to realize what was over here and they joined Belle to enjoy the treat while it lasted. :D

The clouds teasing me with a bit of sunshine.

The cloud cover is dissipating a bit and look the sun is shining through, YAY! :D

Our little herd, Buddy (1), Joker (2), Candy (3), Princess (4), and Belle (5) sunbathing in the pasture this afternoon. :D

Its time to get the herd up to the barn and settled in for the night. :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2.

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D


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Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

Thank you for swinging by. :D God bless our military members, past, present and future, and their families. :D

Hei you named all of them by giving number on their bodies hahaha, good idea to tell your reader clearly.
It's sunny day, but my friend from Canada told me that you have such an extreme cold weather there. Even sunny but you can't feel the warmth.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Wish I could step my feet there someday ❤️

Welcome back my friend! :D
I try to either write their actual names, or if my hand isn't being cooperative I write a number to make it easier for everyone to know which one is which. :D
We definitely have our share of cold days here in Canada, even sometimes during the warmer summer months. :D We actually had it snow here in June a few years back, thankfully it didn't stick around though. :D We certainly have days where the sunlight lulls you into thinking its going to be nice, but once you go outside the air is bracing. Those days aren't so nice. :D This winter has been horrendous snow wise, but not as harsh as others temperature wise. :D
Who knows what surprises life has in store for you, you may visit Canada some day. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

I feel great to be your loyal reader. I like to learn new things, and here in your blog I found lots of information. That's why I come back again n again. Also you have a good word choice to explain things.
Anyway, Canada is one of my target country to be visited, hopes this target will turn out to be reality soon. I come from Aceh, a province in the western tip of Indonesia, you can sometime check my post and vote, I wrote about my ethnic culture there, not many posts yet as I am a new comer in this cutting edge social media.
Let's stay connected. Cheers @frostyamber❤️

Welcome back my friend! :D
That is a lovely thing to read, thank you. :D
I've never been to Indonesia, and to be 100% honest I'm not even sure where to find it on a map, of course I can't even find my way around where I've lived for over a decade with a map, maps and I aren't friends. :D LOL. :D
Do you ever get snow there in Indonesia? I'll go check out your blog to find out all about Indonesia. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

No we haven't had the winter season in Indonesia. Here we only have two kind of seasons, rain and dry. Seems like summer every day!
Hahahah, map only make a friend with the millenial Generation I guess. Lol😅.
You can check about Indonesia in my account, something fresh is out there. Thank you frostyamber. Glad to be your loyal reader.

I didn't think it would get cold enough there to snow, but I think its always good to verify if not 100% positive on something, especially when you can ask someone from that area. :D Thanks. :D
I will go look at your blog for sure. :D
God bless you my friend. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Yaa, I don't think having winter season would be good for our area. These all conditions is the best for us. So does you, cold weather is the best for your area. Just give thanks for all of this.

So true, my friend, so true. :D If our weather patterns went to their polar opposites everyone and everything would be messed up I think, of course I'm no scientist, but it just seems logical that it would mess it all up. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Lovely pics but so much snow still .. I had to look up where you were from lol! Anyways, you now have a new follower and here's hoping spring comes to NB soon! ♡ @amatchgirl

Thank you for taking the time to visit, read my post, and make a comment. :D
Yes its just not right the amount of snow we've still got here. We're hoping we won't get any more, but the odds are not in our favor. :D LOL. :D
Thank you very much for the follow. :D Welcome to my blog! :D Amen to that my friend, spring can't come soon enough for me. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my friend! :D

Hey. Wow, what a nice contribution - found it valuable. I will resteem it.

Thanks for the visit and the resteem. :D God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Thank you for your visit and your comment. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D