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RE: An Eye For An Eye Will Make The Whole World Blind

in #life7 years ago

I think the key is always choosing to believe that humans are capable of changing. That even when someone looks lost, there is always a way back. It is a beautiful thing about the human mind, that it is subject to change and that its fate is not sealed. So do that little act of kindness, say those words of encouragement, and have in your mindset that it is always better, for everyone, to lift others up.

Secondly, we should always want the coming generation, in whatever country, to succeed. We've seen before that bad ideas can vanish in one generation with Nazi Germany, which of course now is one of the friendliest countries in the world. So show love and demonstrate compassion, and the young will grow up wondering why their parents showed you hatred.

So even if you have perfectly good reasons to say that someone is evil, and be able to rationalize hating them for that, you should nevertheless know that the thing about them you're hating is not bound to last forever. So while I may hate the present version of a person for their greed, selfishness or hatefulness, but does that mean that I need to hate all future versions of the person that they can aspire to become? No.


Wow, your views are always so inspiring and make me want to write more about this kind of stuff. You are absolutely right that humans are capable of change and believing so is a light of positivity that the world needs right now.

In fact, just yesterday I was watching the movie "Wonder Woman" where the god of war asks her to join him to end mankind because of their greed, selfishness and other negative qualities but she refused because despite all these, there is much more to humanity and they are capable of achieving all that. :)

That's very kind of you to say. But I think my comments here are also inspired greatly by having just read your posts. So please accept the same compliment back from me :)

Yes, we all can change. It doesn't mean we will always make the change we need, nor change for the better. But in any case, the only thing that makes sense is to always try to help people, and yourself, move in the right direction.

I haven't seen that movie yet but now I guess I should. ^^ Indeed it is a fascinating thing about humanity, how we are equally capable of causing destruction as we are of building wonders.