The broken mirror, the lie in social networks

It is likely that with this article of the lies on social networks I won a good number of enemies. It is very, very probable.
But above all, in life there are obligations that are above all media benefit and that is telling the truth to the people you care about.
Having a person in social networks is not knowing his life, not in the least, we sell an image, a deception, we sell what we want to sell, we show only what we want to show, we are painters and for good or bad social networks becomes our canvas. They tell me "She is your girlfriend" "You spend it pure eating in restaurants" "You give yourself the great life" they only see, what we allow them to see, the good in an even bigger scenario, they do not see the background, that the girl in the photo is not my girlfriend but a great friend, that the trip I made was to look for medicine or that the photos of food is not in an expensive restaurant if not often in some place but with excellent food and attention.