Raising children @fortyplus

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The discussion around raising children at 40+ is too large for one sitting, so I’ll try to break it down into smaller portions.

I would like to throw a few positives out there, since there are a few.

The main one being, EXPERIENCE.

Even if you are a first time parent, raising children at 40+, you will have a lot of life experience behind you. You will have travelled many journeys and met a few different people. And no doubt you will have encountered plenty of invaluable scenarios. In short, by now you should have walked many miles, and seen things from many people’s viewpoints.

I can almost certainly guarantee that for a most of you, the person you are now in you 40+ years, is not the same person you were in your teens, twenties, or thirties. Your views will have changed some slightly, some drastically. As will your relationships with politics, people, religion etc. Your encounters with different people over the years will have varied, sometimes hardening you, sometimes softening you. There is no fixed standard in relation to your growth over the years, but the fact is that you will have changed somewhat, time waits for no man, as the saying goes.

Consider the experience you have to offer, not just to your children, but in assisting or advising others. The definition of wisdom is Knowledge gained by experience. You will have that by the bucket load. What you need to do is remind yourself that you have “been there and done that”. Think of your past successes as bricks, and your past failures as the cement that holds them all together, they are what made you who you are today.

Children aren't going to understand age. The only people who dwell on numbers are adults, and maybe teenagers, and the odd 7 year old. What you can do is the consider every stage they are going through. You will be able to better advise them, and more importantly, you will have the patience to deal with their poor decisions. Be proud of your age, and use it to your advantage, and theirs.

What are the secrets to dealing with children in general?

What were your thoughts before your decision? or was parenthood a surprise blessing?

Can you offer any tips on looking after yourself as a 40+ parent?

Have your say.

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