Sunday Night Musings

It’s Sunday night and still way too hot for me to even think, let alone blog about crypto.
After churning out quality content for months straight, I feel like I’ve earned the right to have today off by simply posting the most topical Coin Telegraph cartoon of the moment.
Best of probabilities to you.
Peace ✌🏻.
Instagram: @forexbrokr

Haha, yeah... We all deserve a brake from time to time :)
Haha thanks man 😎.
Nothing a beer won't fix!
Haha well... The hangover after beers on Saturday night may have contributed to my lack of motivation on the Sunday 😂.
It all makes sense now.
I can relate. I am going go post something really light and uninvolved because I need a break too. back to the grind tomorrow though. All the best to you.
I feel you mate. Sometimes you just can’t do it. But still better to post something light and honest than nothing at all. Just don’t make a habit of it :)
I fully agree. And it is Monday and the games begin again my friend. have a great week.
For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 7561.70USD
Bottom feeder.
Useful information about the day opening price, For all current and future readers.
Today's date 18/03/2018:
Bitcoin: 8011$
Ethereum: 564$
Ripple: 0,65$
Bitcoin Cash: 970$
Litecoin: 154$
NEO: 69$
Cardano: 0,15$
Stellar: 0,21$
MIOTA: 1,14 $
EOS: 4,71 $
Have a good day everyone!
Fucking spammers. This is the reason Steemit is going to shit.