Our Homestead Wishes Everyone A Magnificent Shabbat
Caesarea National Park In Caesarea, Israel
Genesis 2:3
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Shabbat Shalom,
Marla Silva @ floridagypsy
Shabbat Shalom! @ironshield
Thank you, be blessed @ironshield.
very good post my friend..
Thank you @humaidi.
you are welcom my friend..
i have new my post..
Hello @floridagypsy!
Great post! May you have a blessed weekend!
From your new friend
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Thank you @ hallie25. Be blessed. Followed.
wonderful.thanks for share.resteemd
Thank you @cryptomaker. Be blessed.
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Good post i am support for your every thing post good luck
Thank you @gelatofresco. Followed.
Thanks for share
Your welcome @srkkamrul.
A classic piece of architecture! Shabbat Shalom
Thanks @globetrottergcc.
This post tells us the importance of sunday, keep it holy.
Shabbot is actually saturday (the seventh/last day of the week) - the day when the creator rested from all the work. It is kind of twisted how the Catholic church decided to change the "holy" day from what God wanted it to be to another day so they (the catholic church would appeal to the people that worshipped the sun - Sunday) - Please look this up if you disagree.
Thank you @mristen. Your information is so correct. Thank you for sharing and have a marvelous Sabbath. Followed.
Thanks for reading @deeclown.
Your post was resteem by Whale ResteemService @booster007
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