Juice fast

I am preparing for my third juice fast.
The last one is already over a year ago and lasted around a bit over a week if I recall right.
I remember the first 3 days really sucked but after that I felt amazing.
An additional benefit was that my eating habits were better after, at least for a while.
As I am not eating well a small reset will be not bad for me.
Good luck in that , I tried it few years ago and didn't workout good for my body
Posted using Partiko Android
what problems did you have?
Really low energy and headaches mostly, maybe I was not doing it right bit my body told me he doesn't have what he need
I assume this difference for each one
Posted using Partiko Android
I think you are doing good @flipstar and you might get to clean up your blood vessels with it. :D
that will be a great test again but it will be worth it for sure let us all know your experience once again
Shade, pattern, notification, shot – fabulous! Resteem for your pic
I did a juice fast some years ago for the entire month! Never ever felt as good as in that period of time!!! Unfortunately, I slipped again into some not so healthy eating habits but it's hard to combine juice fast and work life together. At least for me.
Enjoy! ☺
yeah it is very inconvenient in the real life.
One month is awsome.
Yeah I definitely think a lot of juice intake increases apettite and eating habits I definitely think it's the juicing itself that seems a bit queer, in my opinion I definitely think that it's aftereffect s cool. Lol happy juicing
thank you :-)
thank you :-)
Great idea @flipstar and juices have always been a great step towards health!
Did this many times, a good time, first feelings are coming bad, headache and so- but then the absolut power comes into the body. grazy amazing this fasting
yeah. The start was not really good but after a couple of days it feels great
Daran bin ich bisher immer gescheitert. Hab’s mal bis zum Mittagessen geschafft 😉
Posted using Partiko iOS
mal nen Anfang :-)
bin mal gespannt wie es bei dir wird. wie lange machst das? eine woche?
Flushing out those toxins 😬
Posted using Partiko iOS
that is the plan :-)