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RE: Words of Advice (From a Complete Failure)

in #life9 years ago

In a sense I introduced myself. I gave a vague outline of who I am and some things that I've done. Just because this post is not an entire description of my life doesn't mean that I didn't at least (in part) introduce myself. Enough to the point where I felt the tag "introduce yourself" was appropriate...

I don't think that it is entirely necessary to go about and nitpick peoples articles and down-vote them because they don't fit your description of what should be tagged. If I were to have tagged "introduce yourself" and then talked about aliens the whole time I could see your point.


I didn't flag you. I left you a comment. I upvoted your original introduction here:

Many in the community consider the reuse of #introduceyourself as tag spam and will flag. I spend a lot of time flagging abuse and trying to help users before they get flagged.

Take my advice or don't.

Noted. I'm sure this is the reason that Reddit has such strict rules for their subreddits... Because everybody has a different idea of what is supposed to go where...

This is certainly a flaw in the system that should be addressed. Maybe people should only be allowed to use the "introduce yourself" tag once, if this is the "official" rule. But then again who are the "officials" here? lol.

It is certainly the wild west of blockchain social media, and just like in the wild west, everybody has taken upon themselves to become the authoritative figure in the overall molding of it. Which, I think, kind of smothers the air with an atmosphere of confusion.