How Poverty Affects People's Lives ?

in #life8 years ago


Not everyone born with golden spoon in their mouths. No everyone inherits fortune with their birth. Not everyone is capable of make millions in one day. In fact, most people can't make one million in their whole lives. Some people who lives beyond their needs, we call them poor. 

Poverty can be difficult for people survival. Poverty leads to worse circumstances in life because it increase the chance of scarcity to accomplish basic necessities of life. When one don't have a roof on his head, no clothes to wear, no food to eat and even don't have a place to sleep, that person, we call them poor. 

Poverty has many faces, changing from place to place and across time, and has been showed in many faces over time. Most often, poverty is a situation people want to escape. So poverty is a call to action -- for the poor and the wealthy alike -- a call to change the world so that many more may have enough to eat, adequate shelter, access to education and health, protection from violence, and a voice in what happens in their communities.

How can it affect life?

In every way it can. It can affect even the need of survival. People try to commit suicide when they are not able to accomplish their basic needs. Poverty is a disaster for a person's life.

How It can be corrected?

There is no fixed way to correct poverty. Some measures can be taken to reduce poverty, but it is not a sudden fix.

First step could be taken is providing the basic education to the children so that they can know the basic principles of life, get educated and make a living in future.

Second, Government can provide basic necessities to poor people to give a quick and temporary fix to their situation so that they won't be motivated to do any crime and think about suicide.

Third, Non government organisation can raise some funds for providing food to poor people. 

Forth, job opportunites should be provided by the government to poor people.

Poverty is not a quick fix rather it takes time to get diminish. But the efforts from all the people is necessary to remove this social disorder.

Thanks for reading.

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