Back to Rambling & Other Things
It's been many many months since I have considered posting any sort of blog. Life becomes very hectic or I become bored and uninterested in the same mundane processes. This is my attempt to maintain some sort of consistent rambles. May be uninteresting, unimportant, utter nonsense, depressing, humorous or full of information... whatever it is... it's coming...
New year, new me? New resolution? No not really, as I am as I am and will always be... resolution... yes, but not in the sense of vowing to change my life. This is merely a convenient restart to get back on track with my creative outlet in the form of writing. Christmas and New Year's Eve have come and gone I was thoroughly excited to get out and dance the night away. The 31st is in fact my actual birthday as well, two reasons to have a great time.
It's not an easy birthday to have as anyone who can relate to a December birthday well knows, planning a party is almost not possible. Friends and family are interested in doing their own New Years style celebrating and not a birthday party. After this year I will no longer be asking anyone to join me in my birthday celebration. Sounds a bit sad right? It really isn't. What is sad is when most of your family and friends are not interested in coming to your birthday and won't commit in case something better comes up!
Now that it is a new year, let's enjoy this year, every day, each hour, minute, moment... what time construct you live by, make it count. But what does this mean, make each moment count? Depends on you and how you find value in every breathe you take, kiss you share, word you speak, movement you make. The connections established with others whether friend, lover, family, all have value. Find yours and not just because it's a new "year" but because it matters to them, to you.