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RE: Smartphone Addiction: New Study Reveals The Real Reason We Can't Put Our Phones Down 📲

in #life7 years ago

I don't use a phone at all and never really have. I did not like them when they were plugged into the wall. It's too hard for me to talk to people when I can't see them and I really have nothing to say that needs to be said on a phone.

One time I was on some kind of minutes plan with att for my house phone and had to talk to them to re-enlist in their plan. The lady was looking into what would be the best plan and said, "Do you even have this phone? I don't see any calls." I said, "Yes, I'm talking on it now."

I was married for the decade of the 1980's and talked to my ex on the phone 3 times in the whole marriage- all for emergencies. I used to work with women who talked to their husbands all day long at work. I never understood that.

I have had a couple of phones since people started carrying them around, but I never use them, never answer them, never look at them, and usually the battery is dead. The one I have now is only because the bank needed me to have it. After buying it - I have put about $7 into the minutes and never used them in 18 months.

Here is my plan that works well. I'm in Thailand. I am the only person in the entire country with no phone. If I need one - everyone has one and will help me. Once a guy Google mapped me to find my Embassy but that's it.

I most notice this on the subway. 90% of people are looking at their phones. Me and maybe one other person are not. It is so strange to see. The Thai people are very quiet, so if they are speaking into the phone I hear nothing. But mostly they are just looking down at it.

I always wonder what everyone is doing. I'm thinking in my head or looking at my surroundings. I have no one in another place I want to speak to and I'm glad for a break from my computer. I don't skype or anything like that here.

So- I'm pretty weird, but also pretty happy. If anyone needs me - I'm on the internet and I do answer my messages and emails quickly.

What I am noticing lately is corporations starting to require a phone app in order to do business with them. If I don't have the app on my phone - I can no longer use their service such as flight bookings. Oh well - hopefully this never really interferes with my life.


Wow, thanks for sharing! I think it's awesome how you continue your lifestyle like this, and you totally should if you enjoy it. You're standing out from the crowd!

And not in a good way! I prove it can be done, I guess. When the old fogies like me are gone - the phones will still be going strong, most likely.