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RE: Knowing when to step in

in #life6 years ago

It's that I am in a panic about money and have dropped many balls and had some "friends" take great joy in my struggles instead of helping in ways that would not be hard for them. Then, as I mentioned in one of these comments, I spent some time looking at steemit stuff that makes me feel worse.

I do use the small bots a lot to boost payouts for me and my real voters. I jumped to a conclusion when I saw you at 80% as all the serial bot-crushers use. For this, I am very sorry.

I'm the sole support of my son in California and myself in Thailand and tragedy is about to strike both of us if I do not get some money coming in. He has severe ptsd due to a lot of factors, but my obesity and health struggles during his childhood and youth are the most of it. He is finally excited and happy to be posting on steemit and in a good living situation after years on the street. If I fail - he loses all that and I will not even be there to help him.

But I look at all my dropped projects and cannot get it together. I feel regret for being so positive about steemit and letting everything else go. This was my own fault.

I am an eternal optimist and always feel things will work out. But I sure have limited options now.

As to the humanity remark - I was so grateful to see you take this whole thing in a positive way. I saw my friend abh12345 on your post and gave him all the info I have to see what he thought. He's my go-to guy when I'm confused here, so I jumped in without thinking.

But really, under the circumstances, I should have talked to you first and directly. The fact that you were so nice about it does my heart good.

Lucky you to get all my venting today. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.


@fitinfun like you i to have had a great deal of turmoil and unneeded headaches.. my ex wife had done a number on me that last for some time so I can relate, some advice I'd like to offer you if your looking to expand your $$$ dollars a bit perhaps tou should check out another website based on cryprocurrency and blogging, writing, and other things. The website is i believe after looking over your content and writing style it seems like you'd be a great fit for it.. i myself have used it a bit but like steemit its still in a newer phase/beta. If you get some time check it out. As for the way you came to me its fine we've all been there.. i understand completely.

Thank you so much. I will take a look at this site. I am open to anything right now and just wrote a post about this.

I can't tell you how much your upvotes and support mean to me. Thank you very much.

PS - I had a similar situation with an ex-husband in the early 90's. He got everything and I started over just fine from nothing although the first year was bad. This is one of the times I think of now to give me hope.