What do your emotions mean?

in #life7 years ago

Emotions are a compass, a guidance system.

They will let you know if you are on track with everything you desire to live, with everything you desire to be, if you are on track to make your dreams come true (literally) … Or, if you are stepping out of alignment with everything that you are and with everything you desire to live and to be.

This is how it functions …

Every emotion is a response to a thought or a belief that you are having at this moment and even though we can experience a lot of different emotions, we can make it simple and define it as “good” or “bad” emotions.

Bad emotions can be anything from being “bored” to being “depressed” or even “suicidal” and good emotions can be anything from feeling “fine and ok” to feeling “ecstasy” or “unconditional love”.

Those are just different ends of the emotional guidance system.

So, what happens is …

When you think a thought that is in alignment with your true self, that is in alignment with the frequency of your dreams, with the frequency of everything you desire to live, in fact, with your true frequency … You will feel good!

As an example, if you think “I am loved”, “I am happy”, “the world is on my side”, “everything is unfolding perfectly for me”, that feels good to you because those perspectives you are choosing, those beliefs you are picking are in alignment with your true self, with your true frequency. Also, they are the ‘shortcuts’, in other words, that’s the way you need to follow to make all of your dreams come true and to be everything you desire to be in this life.

On the other hand …

If you think something that makes you feel bad, it simply means that that thought you are having is not true for you!

That thought, that perspective you are choosing is not in alignment with your true self, with your true frequency, with the frequency of everything you desire to live in this life and with everything you desire to be.

Every time you feel bad is a good thing 🙂 Because it lets you know that you are choosing the wrong side, you are choosing to believe in something that is not true, that does not match your frequency, your core essence.

Every time you feel a negative emotion look at the belief you are choosing and say something along these lines:

“Oh wait I am feeling bad!?… It does not mean I am a bad person, or that the world is against me, or whatever the belief I am believing is true…

It simply means that I am choosing to believe in something that is not in alignment with everything I desire to be, with everything I desire to live.

I will just look at it, be thankful for the message that my emotional guidance system is telling me and simply let go of that belief and pick another belief that feels good to me, because that feeling good belief is in alignment with my true self, with my true frequency.”

Imagine, if your essence, if your energetic field is was an energetic field of cold, like the energy of ice, and that’s your true nature, your true frequency! … Every time you step into something hot, something that is not cold, something completely out of your energetic field, you would feel the contraction of it, you would feel the pull of “this is not me! This is not my intention! This is not my core frequency!”

The same happens with your emotional guidance system.

Every time you are feeling amazing, every time you are feeling happy, its because your beliefs and your thoughts and your actions are a match to your core frequency, to your true energy!

The energy of all your dream! Of all the things you want to live and experience in this life!

On the other hand …

Every time you step of that energetic field of yourself, you will feel the contraction, you will feel a negative emotion letting you know: “Hey! That is not the way to go! You are not like that! That’s not true for you!”

It is amazing when you realize that everything that feels bad to you actually means that you are the opposite of it.

Everything that makes you feel bad literally lets you know that… “Hey this is not you! You are the complete opposite of what you are believing and of what you are thinking.”

A good example of this is when you believe something like, “I am unworthy”… You feel that sadness, that contraction, that heaviness and that does not make the feeling “I am unworthy” true, it is completely the opposite and that why you feel the contraction.

So, when you feel something that makes you feel bad, investigate that feeling …

“Why am I feeling in this?”, “What am I believing that is not true?”

“That belief is not real for me, I can let that belief go and choose a belief, or choose a perspective, a point of view or a state of being that feels much more happy, much lighter, much more blissful, much more “love like” to me.”

Navigating with that compass, with that emotional guidance system, you will get your thoughts, you will get perspectives, you will get your life (literally) in alignment with everything you want to be and with everything you want to live.

Make your emotions your best friends, listen to your emotional guidance system because it truly cares about you. 🙂


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