Why do men buy sex when they have a wife who can give it to them for free?

in #life8 years ago

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Well this questions leaves me wondering why do men enjoy having sex with ladies which are not their wives or girlfriends? Sex its a great feeling which God created and that's the best feeling every human and even an animal can desire and enjoy experinecning.

Were I have realised men love and enjoy sex with another lady not their wives. Well I did my research and study asking other men. To my surprise with the responses I got. Some men said why they enjoy having sex with prostitutes or concubines

Its because most men feel that wives they are not inventive when you are having sex with them. Well many men this was their number one reason. Saying their wives they only like and love only few sexual positions and they are not flexible when having sex.

The other reason was that women they don't have sex talk they only family or problem talk, most men they said that before sex as a man they need to be enticed with flirty words and sexy words. Were most men complained that when you get home their wives they always speak about family problems and when you have sex there will be no attachment.

The other reason men said why men buy sex its because prostitutes do what they want or they have their sexual fantasies met. Were they affirmed that prostitutes they are willing to do anything to please them. As compared to wives the majority are not prepared to fulfill their husband sexual fantasies.

The other reason its that men said their wives they don't invest in themselves to look sexy. When they are married they grow fat and will not be always looking clean and fresh. So men they go for those prostututes who dress sexy, walk sexy and talk sexy.

Well other men said well their wives have some advantages over prostitutes but they said they buy sex for they know their sexual fantasies can be fulfilled.

So will let you know and give you other sex tips on how to enjoy a blissfully sex life. Keep posted on my posts.

Wish you a blissful sexlife with your partner, wives and loved ones.


I wish wives could be aware of those stated reasons and do the opposite to maintain their sextual relationship. However men let's not be cowards run to prostitutes. Let's save the little resources we have for our family than to squander with outsiders. Let's fear and respect. God 's commandments. Exodus. 20:14