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RE: The Stupidity of Borders - An Illegal Alien Steemian In Mexico Gets Kidnapped And A Free Flight To His Tax Farm

in #life7 years ago

I wonder if a huge enough disaster can shake us to our senses so we can work together as a global community. It seems like we need a meteor strike or an alien invasion for people to wake up .


Thats what Regan wanted. Look up Project Bluebeam. The fake alien invasion and subsequent global religion.

Dr. Steven Greer just came out with a movie, "Undisclosed". Rock solid proof that tptb are indeed, as we speak, hatching a false flag alien invasion. This will be used to make all the billions of humans quake in their shoes. To instill such fear that the common man will gladly pay anything in tax to be saved from the onslaught of the "Blue Chicken Aliens" that are about to descend upon us. Watch for it to start any day now. I believe they have already begun, focusing the fake alien beta test on Cornwall, Eng;land. Go to youtube and seach for this phrase: "greer blue beam". This has been planned since 1945. We need to get the word out to as many humans as possible, so they don't fall for the hoax when it goes down