Words about the sad world

in #life6 years ago

Man is exposed to a lot of positions in this world, including what makes him happy, and make him sad, and here in this article we have collected words about the sad world. Words about the sad world It seems that we do not see much of what we have in this world because we do not contemplate it. The height above the palms of the world needs wings of eagle, not wings of a butterfly. The world is one thing in reality; but this one thing is in every Dunia imagination alone. You lack the whole with the same world, and you are perfect with all its pains. Man does not regard the world and its provisions, but to strive to govern itself. The sun and the planets are fire, but the world is light, but your face is light, but my heart is fire. Minimum is fiction and God is the only guarantee in the journey of the world and the Hereafter. Women as the lowest where the fluctuations of the four seasons. The world is only one chapter of a novel that will have many chapters. Death is not the end of the story but its beginning. Everything is left .. Nothing is lost in this world .. But it is changing and dispersing and dispersing. We all come out of the world with close chances despite the apparent differences. No one in this world knows anything, no one in the world has anything. Nothing in the world is greater than will. Minimum standards are sometimes wrong and they always change in all cases. What is the reality of the world; a bubble shines in the colors of the beautiful sparkling spectrum .. Then suddenly it becomes nothing. Every novel in the world contains an aspect of psychiatry. We walk in the world as anesthetic but a certain scene, may be rooted in the soul does not leave. Either the memory is a false deception that produces what has no origin, or the world changes with a strong, unforgiving memories. The one who accepts this world does not visit anyone who has spoken about him, so why did he come? Relax from the atmosphere of earthly ambition, and reject from the world what you enjoy, but the longing for truth do not draw a limit. There is little left, and the world is repeated in a strange image of the eye, which is shaded by a white eyebrow with only hair. Do not overcome the end of the world .. Tombs. The world does not give us except what we steal from them. The only ones in this world who bear the weight of life are the ones who face it with more stupidity and apathy. Is not the world beautiful and worthy of living deeply. Narrow is the world, narrow our boats to the sea, alone We will say how strange we were in the city weddings. There is nothing in the world more important than the sense that there is in a corner of the globe who loves us. Unfortunately the minimum is not heard for our internal calls. So the world .. Unfortunately .. She does not ask us about our opinion when you intend to commit the great foolishness that does not hurt. People who can not cry are the most miserable beings of the world. The profit of life hours of pleasure .. And the wisdom of people in this world, a man could not grieve, making all his life profit. Was my heart hard to make this abandonment my destiny, or am I oppressed in the sea of ​​love alone? I am sailing with the world on a paddle without a paddle on the palm of time.

you-can-do-it.jpg Strange what you crave for my voice and love you hear Scotty, if you were happy with my death. O years of my life, enough sorrow, O years of salvation, then let your sorrows be worthy of your sorrows. Painted the world with your eyes and Ttah and Mndk I swear I do not betray you, I love you death and Ikonk O my age. I do not feel like me once and I'm satisfied with you once, but do not forget me at all. Thou shalt be thirsty, and the lowest is rain, and the eye shall not be filled with the sight of your possessions. O God, what is the worst of our dreams in this world compared to what we have today. The breadth of knowledge is a pretext for wealth, and experience in the world is the shortest way to serve religion. The people in this world are strange; they have fun and fate is serious, and they forget and every atom in their bodies is calculated on them. God in the world of people Nfhat not only good luck but the righteous. Trains do not stop unless the floor stops rotating. We have no power over our hearts, they spring to whom they wanted and when they wanted and how they wanted ... Some of them beat his heart ... Some heart beats him ... Some are heartbeat. It is not sad that a person is blind, but it is sad that a person can not tolerate blindness. Melit and I turn to me on the berth relaxes me ... My sorrow written to me from the day I spoke my name, and became my grief every Marina faces me and misses ... On the path of joy and Ihnni trees. It is not sadness but self-defeating rust, and active action is the one who denies self and clears it and saves it from its sorrows. Let the days do what you want and medicine breath if the judge ruled and do not be afraid of the incident nights, what the events of the world survival. The judges of the world have lost their lost, they lost their religion and sold the world, what won their trade. Time, if it is a secret route within us, is the largest eraser in the world. What impressed this world .. A dog cart .. Prison and bark and dirt and whips, but we do not want to get out of them. It is not necessary to accept the whole world, and there is no complete satisfaction except in Paradise. And if you want the truth fixed, look for him in this world or non-human. Do not be saddened if you are burdened with worries, and your world is narrowed by what you have welcomed. Perhaps God will love to hear your voice as you call it. O one who has fallen on my chest, how I learned my betrayal, I was a weapon in my hand, I became a dagger in my back. I used to think that I am a genius but time taught me who I am just an unknown passerby in your life. O eye, do not cry, and live, the grace of forgetfulness, the loss of your tears will descend upon those who do not observe them. I will write about our love on the wall of time, if we lived together, if we share the shroud. Without history I am saddened, and the judgment of fate I live alone, not free or the owner of all human. As patience left me, I almost see the grave and in it and my pillow, until my tears smile for my death. I who have died my branches, and my fountain dried, I who have turned the gardens of my love, in response to my tears.


very deep and very honest article thanks for sharing