in #life7 years ago

hello everyone we've been thinking and decided that it's time to share with you some more survival tips we know already we're going to tell you the tendrils of survival that can save your life one day let's get it on shelter in the forest so imagine you're lost in the forest no you don't need to start shouting hello at the top er lungs right now just imagine this situation in your mind you have a supply of water and some food but it's starting to get dark and you still have no idea where to go perhaps in such a situation it's better to stop for the night isn't it after all in the dark especially without a flashlight you can easily stumble over some snag crash into a tree or even encounter an unfriendly forest inhabitant like a hungry wolf look you decided to make a shelter remembered your childhood quickly built a house or a small canopy from branches and sat down there sleepy and quite happy with yourself well why not after all you have protected yourself not only from the bad weather but also from the cold everyone knows that lying under something even if it's a canopy is much warmer than in the open but for some reason in a couple of minutes it becomes cold and the thing is that a forest shelter will save you from freezing only if you take care of a dense bedding for example a bed made from fir branches then you don't feel the cold from the ground and won't catch cold and maybe even manage to sleep mosses and ant hills the night went well you add a snack and are now determined to find a way out of this stupid forest the sun is shining the birds are singing everything looks fine you're enjoying the warm weather when suddenly a map pops up in your memory and it becomes clear that to get out of the woods you have to move straight to the north but where is the north oh right you can identify the cardinal points by the moss growing on trees or well by an anthill so the green moss should be on the north side of the tree trunk and the ant settlements on the contrary facing south and everything would be fine if not for one but these rules don't really work yes the moss doesn't care on which side it does grow and the ants never had a compass so they built their cities wherever they want to in general if you need to understand where you are it's better to use some other way for example you can try to recall whether Sun rose starvation you've been wandering through the forest for a long time now you're tired and rather quickly spent all of your water supply of course it's a little sad but not so terrible because you still have a few chocolate bars and a bag of chips in your backpack now you'll have a quick bite and then you'll go to find a source of water but stop you shouldn't eat because the more you eat especially salty or sweet food the more liquid your body needs yes in extreme situations a person can survive without food if he or she has water but it doesn't work the other way around therefore don't eat if you're not sure that you can satisfy your thirst otherwise it can lead to very sad consequences and pretty soon it's better to endure hunger until there's some water on the horizon believe us it can really save your life sandstorm even if you live far away from the desert it's always helpful to know what to do when a huge sand wall approaches and we're not overreacting a sandy or dusty storm looks like this from the outside unfortunately this natural phenomenon is one of the most terrible and unpredictable because it's not just about the wind it's a wind that raises many small particles of sand into the air this is not only very very unpleasant and even painful but also dangerous for your lungs the person course in a dense dust cloud can easily suffocate therefore you need to know a few simple rules first of all you need to protect young nose and mouth you should use a special respirator or a mask but an ordinary bandanna or any other piece of cloth wrapped around your face will do yes just like the bandits in old Wild West movies also it'll be useful to moisten the cloth with water and puts on airtight protective goggles but if you don't have them cover your face with your hands and don't forget to wrap a piece of cloth around your head to protect your ears if the storm is not accompanied by lightning and you don't see cars fly around you then you can wait until it ends on any elevation because the concentration of sand is much lower there well if there are no hills nearby try to hide behind something big like a stone or camel this isn't a joke camels really are perfectly tolerant to sandstorms and won't object air crash if you're terribly afraid of flying in airplanes and are already scared then you shouldn't be according to the data the chance to die in a plane crash is 1 to 11 million whereas for example in a car accident it's 1 to 5 thousand so it turns out it's much safer to fly than to drive a car hmm we hope we haven't caused you a new phobia for cars but anyway in an emergency on board always follow the instructions of the flight attendants and do what's written in the brochures that lie in the pockets of the chair in front of you and remember the rule of the 90 seconds if after the fall the plane you managed to leave the cabin during this time your chances of survival will increase significantly in other words the faster you evacuate the better for you so don't panic because running in chaos between the chairs is unlikely to help you don't go far well done now you've got out of the plane and can take a look around you now in some strange jungle and the landscape isn't familiar so neither you nor other survivors have any idea of where you are now of course in this situation is necessary to remember all the lessons of survival how to find a source of water and collect food but after this you have to return to the plane after all a huge damaged aircraft has seen much better from the air than a Robinson Crusoe's modest camp today rescuers know how to find fallen planes quite quickly so if you stay near the crash site rescuers are going to find you now yeah a small exception if the Fallen plane is burning it's better to move away from it to a safe distance who knows what could happen cotton clothes surely you know that clothes made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen are the best thing in any weather they let your body breathe and the heat but it warms you in the cold so it's absolutely Universal however once this cloth gets wet for example in the rain its owner immediately runs the risk of getting pneumonia and bunch of dangerous complications not in vain most hypothermia cases in nature occur among lovers of cotton and other natural fabrics yes synthetic or wool feel much less pleasant on the body but clothes made of these materials are much safer in the wild so if you're going on a hike or plan to stay in the woods for some time cotton is not your choice if a parachute didn't open what if you decided to jump with a parachute and it didn't open first of course don't panic yes we understand this rather difficult but any instructor will agree with us as soon as you calm down a little you need to find the problem maybe the ropes got entangled and you can solve it on your own if there seems to be no solution and the land is rapidly approaching that it's necessary to unhook the main parachute and unfold the emergency parachute don't try to do the impossible because the closer the land is the less time you have of course it is necessary to practice and open the backup parachute as often as possible and not in the air but in safer conditions for example in the training center remember that this skill can literally save your life nuclear explosion we hope that none of our viewers will ever have to use this advice because a nuclear explosion is a terrible thing most importantly what will save you in such an eerie situation is speed yes it's best to run as fast as you can because it's very difficult to hide from radiation and no refrigerates it will help you well unless you're Indiana Jones of course yes since the Cold War many countries have preserved various shelters but even they don't guarantee complete security the farther you are from the epicenter of the explosion the more chances to survive you have and if you didn't die immediately then you have a pretty good chance to survive and don't look at the mushroom this is fascinating in movies but in reality this bright flash can make you lose precious minutes and also your vision remember that in the beginning the radiation will be hanging high in the atmosphere so you'll have a chance to react quickly and move away from the danger zone by the way don't forget about your documents and some other essential stuff because even during the nuclear apocalypse you may need to confirm your identity dog attack you should remember dogs never attack without a reason that is the animal won't attack you simply because it wanted to the reasons for dogs to attack a person are in fact not very much it can be sick hungry protecting its offspring or simply guarding its territory the most common mistake people make when dealing with an aggressive dog is to show their fear however squealing and waving your arms is also not a good idea because you'll definitely get a couple of bites even if the dog wasn't going to attack you at all but just came to say hello but if the animal running at you growls and its ears are tightly pressed at the head be ready to repel the attack arm yourself with improvised weapons such as a bag an umbrella or a stick and start to retreat slowly in any case don't turn you back to the dog and don't run if you can you should hit the animal in the most painful points such as the nose and the stomach but if there's no chance to win the fight try to protect your neck as it may be insulting and very unpleasant if you're betting on your feet but damage to the artery is much worse and may even cost you your life experienced dog experts also advise to climb on any structure nearby for example a tree and if you have a delicious hamburger in your bag it's better to share that with the animal maybe the food will interest the dog more than you well people we hope that our advice will be useful to you if you liked this video don't forget to give us a thumbs up we're working very hard for your survival guys it's time to recharge your brain visit the channel brain time there you'll find a lot of interesting and useful facts lots of positive energy and tons of useful information subscribe me.


This is so horrible to read. There is almost no punctuation in this block of text.