Looking for Freedom: Today I sent the letters for contract termination to my medical clients!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

O...and just to make this clear once and for all. No, I am not a doctor :)

I'm self-employed in IT and I have doctors offices as clients.

I maintain their systems.

Working in IT for doctors offices come with certain requirements that are not always easy to uphold.

One of them is that I have to supply solutions to any problems that may occur within 24-hours.

This alone has put a lot of stress on myself that I no longer care for.

Ten days ago I wrote about my intentions to do this and today I have taken the final step.

In 3 months from now this 'Sword of Damocles' will no longer be in my life.

And I have crypto to thank for it.


I wrote the letters this morning and had them double checked by a colleague of mine.

I have never let any client go so I had no clue how they would react.

After everything was in order I must have spent at least 30 minutes hovering over the send button.

I felt nervous.

Some of them had been clients for years.

I then gave it the final click and off they went.

It wasn't long after sending them that my phone rang.

An unknown number. Must be one them.

It was.

It was my main contact at one of the bigger offices and he asked me what was going on.

I gave him my reasons.

He understood and stayed very calm and asked me if I would help the transition to another company.

(I don't know why I was so nervous, in the end, everything is just business...)

I said, 'of course'.

He then asked, 'but what are you going to do?'

I said, 'I'm going to put more time into exploring blockchain technology because that's where I think the world is heading towards'.

'The Block what?', I heard from a surprised voice on the other side of the line.

'Blockchain', I said, 'you know the same technology Bitcoin is based on'.

I think I lost him in that moment. (so many more people to teach).

He did wish me success with my new plans and I'm sure that I am going to meet up with him many times in the coming months to help with the transition.

I am happy that I finally took the step to end these contracts.

In fact, I feel relieved.

Another step closer to freedom.

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

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wow amazing job ..
I think you got a great experience
But were not you happy with that work?

Congratulation! It reminds me of when I left my job in July!

Congrats! I can't imagine what you're going through even though I've been in a very similar situation as yours. Enjoy!

Thank you, man! How do you feel about going through life jobless? I'm slowly making the transition. It feels liberating.

It does indeed feel very liberating. The only downside is the fear of having to ever go back to the old paradigm. :)

Congratulations @exyle!! It's always hard making big changes in your life, sounds like it was definitely time for you to move on. Thank you for sharing your experience and I'm glad it went well for you! Wishing you all the best for your future endeavours :)

Thank you!

congrats bro, proud of you, is not easy be self-employed
Thanks sir for that wonderful inspiration @exyle


hmm that is a big problem when we are confuse and don't know the reason of this.may be we take a lot of pressure in our mind.and this is very hard to make a new decision or turning of life congrats your freedom after clicking termination letter. Any how best of luck for your journey to new crypto technology.

So your client didn't even know what Bitcoin was?

Sounds to me like we're still in the early days when it comes to adoption and usage of cryptos in the real world.

Blockchain is currently the leader of financial mechanism and there is madness among people and it will grow even harder.

Thank you @exyle and Have a great day.

Hats Off @exyle for taking this bold decision, I can really understand how difficult is to break relationship with long-term clients, it takes huge amount of courage... I wish you all the success for your new innings in "Blockchain" technology.

Hello , I like it . Upvote and Follow you . .. Please if you do it , I'm so happy. Thank you .

Medical IT really is a huge industry that everyone sees coming (also coincidentally a great use-case for private blockchain data...)

Still, super hard to hold to medical data standards.

Hey newly promoted doctor @exyle lol only kiddin man, wow the Sword of Damocles I never thought of my work like that but it really rings true, anyway congrts for pressing that button its no light decision glad your in a position where its possible.

Well done! You're living the dream! Wish you all the best of luck in your life to come! You're gonna do great.

Congrats my Friend!!!!!!! You deserve this Blessing for sure :) I have been following you for a long time and I am always excited to see your posts .. I hope also to be in this position some day :) Gonna be a while before I reach this goal, but heck, the journey is fun so I will be patient .. GREAT JOB FRIEND!!!!! Love ya lots .. SUNSHINE247

That’s amazing! 👏 Don’t we need to celebrate that with some drinks this weekend?!🤔

I say YES. Amicone and home made pizza from the Egg @exyle home 💚