Great shot Kid. That was one in a million!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Great shot Kid. That was one in a million!

After coming home last night from the raspberry fields Ezzy and I sat down for the most important task of the day.

Beating Super Star Wars on the SNES.

We had gotten pretty far the days before (died just after finding Han Solo).

So we knew we had to do better.

The run went smooth from the get go.

The first levels felt like a breeze and we were out of the Sand crawler (considered the hardest part) in about 15 min.

We quickly made our way to the Tantooine Bar fight level where I was playing.

I finally manage to keep the Plasma Blaster (most powerful weapon) all the way to the Boss at the end of the level and killed him at first try.


This boss had taken us many many tries on the other run!

O yes! We had managed to get to Han Solo without too much trouble!

Unknown territory lay now before us.

The game follows the movie pretty well and next we had to Escape from Mos Eisley.

Which we did after it took us some time to figure out the boss there. (We don't allow ourselves to use internet, just like back in the day, just figure it out yourself).

We quickly progressed from there through the Death Star Hanger Bay and saved Princess Lea!

We were on our way to destroy the Tractor Beam Core when we got a shout from Rea that dinner was ready! (Talking about the authentic experience, that's like the equivalent of Mom shouting the same back in the day).

We paused the game and went upstairs.

We tucked into an incredible meal Rea made at around 10pm.




The food was insane! Absolutely delicious.

We had a nice conversation with all of us as well and after washing up we found ourself back in the same spot 90 minutes later at 30 minutes before Midnight.

We knew this was our best shot of making it.

The problem was our brains had stopped working.

The food made us slow and reaction speed was reduced by at least 25%.

We climbed the core over and over and kept getting killed by it.

Until @ezzy discovered that it was possible to stand in this corner and it was possible to hit the boss without getting hit to much ourselves.

It was perfect.

A brainless fight for two guys in a state of unable to think.


We killed the Core and our brains cleared up because the most insane level lay before us!

We found ourself in a X-wing! On our way to the Death Star.


The game required so much concentration at this point.

I did the first part where you have to shoot the towers and the Tie Fighters.

And then the game transitioned into the final part. The bomb run.

Hundreds of flying balls came tumbling towards us and we had to shoot them all with pin point accuracy.

My head was spinning at some point.

But we managed to get closer and closer each run.

Until finally @ezzy had the perfect run and shot 2 proton torpedo's into the hearth of the Death Star!

And it blew up!

What a moment in our gaming career!

We had done the impossible!

We beat Super Star Wars!


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comment spamming and selfvoting nice hahaha 😂

you are exciting story teller!
i don't know your age, but if I guess right, you remember Neverhood!

the way you explained the game reminds me of it! maybe you can tell us a memory about it 😁

mine, i read all the text on the wall... 40 pages walking and reading all irrelevant things, and finally it said did you really read all these $$#$@$?! 🤣

What a moment in our gaming career!

I have a suspicion a lot of coffee had been drunk that night (or morning?). At least that’s what I would do to stay in shape and form.

Mark @exyle Now what are you going to do ?? You Won so Now you have nothing left to Conquer. Now you are going to have to go out today and get some Fresh Air.............You Know that there are Some Cold Beers Out at a PUB that have your Name All over Them !

Congratulations on beating the game! How many years and hours of practice and two brilliant minds to break the game?

Probably 50 years of gaming experience between us!

This boss had taken us many many tries on the other run!

Where is Dhalsim when you need him?

hahah turned out to be an epic day in the end with some delicious food to enjoy with :D

Congratulations on the accomplishment. I never made it out of the first level. I ended up giving the game to one of the Game Chasers at a convention.

OOO man! You have missed out!

Gaming - Distributing fun to man (and ofc woman) of all ages :D

You deserve a hot Chinese-style meal @exyle after finishing that game up, you really still have a heart of a youngling by playing SNES games.
I'll see to it that I will vote for your witnessing.

Thanks man! and thank so much for the support!