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RE: The End of the World

in #life6 years ago

Are you aware that the earth's ecosphere has survived as many as twenty mass extinction events in it's history?

Five of which were rather severe, in which 80 to 97% of all life at that time was destroyed.

Are you aware that during the last ice age the CO2 level dropped below 190ppm....plants die at 170ppm...

We dodged that bullet...barely.


Mother Earth is rather stubborn...

too stubborn for something as minor as humans to have any effect.

That is a nice thought. Would be nice to know earth and nature will flourish once it is rid of the current infestation. 🙂

what infestation is that?

I will bite and be captain obvious.

Humans are the current infestation. mmm maybe not as obvious as I thought, is there a better word?

If that's what you believe then the only moral thing to do would be suicide.
It's painless I've been told.
Is that what you want?

Since I myself do not have the guts to commit suicide I can't expect an entire species to, I do however not see a problem with the human race going extinct and only time will tell, if left to the masses to determine the species future then it is fortunate that we might not even need an extinction level event to occur as they will do it all themselves, saving the universe the effort. I will be long dead by then and reiterate that how I see it now, there is nothing to lose if humanity were to go "poof" just another spec in history. Although my opinion is not fully formed and definitely a generalisation it is still my opinion and is not intended to cause a ruckus. Haha I don't get attached to opinions in that fashion.