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RE: The Key to Finding What You Want to Do for the Rest of Your Life and Finding What Excites You.

in #life7 years ago

This is a brilliant post! You're right- in order to find the thing that excites you - that drives you and is your passion- you have to be 'doing' - constantly active and trying new things out and experimenting. It won't come to you- you have to go in search of it- and have a lot of fun on the way.

The other thing I think people make a mistake on is your 'passion' doesn't always have to be the thing that earns you money. That exciting thing can be something which makes your heart sing and be the reason you get out of your bed in the morning- without you ever making a cent from it. E x


Thank you so much ! :) Exactly, without putting in the work and looking for it you will probably never find it, true but if you follow your passion you should be able to make some kind of money from it.

I do agree - you could make some kind of money - but it's not always the driving factor. For example- you might discover at the age of 50 that your passion is to dance Tango. You can do that and fill your days and nights with the joy of it. It's what gets you out of bed in the morning, and what you think about before you go to sleep. You could decide to perform or teach it for money - but all you really want to do is dance.

I feel that choosing not to make money from your passion by deciding not to also turn it into your job shouldn't lessen it's importance and wonder.
E x

Haha I guess so, would you like to Tango with me ? Then again what if you create a business around tango haha. But true yes if you do not want it to lessen the power of your passion you may want to avoid monetizing it.

I've gotta say, I do love me a good bit of tango - even though this was a completely fictional example :)

haha, unexpected that was! :D

Yay - you're back - I missed your posts!